* if( is_muli_line_attr( "postalAddress" ) ) * echo ""; * else * echo ""; * * * @param string $attr_name The name of the attribute of interestd (case insensivite) * @param string $val (optional) The current value of the attribute (speeds up the * process by searching for carriage returns already in the attribute value) * @param int $server_id (optional) The ID of the server of interest. If specified, * is_multi_line_attr() will read the schema from the server to determine if * the attr is multi-line capable. (note that schema reads can be expensive, * but that impact is lessened due to PLA's new caching mechanism) * @return bool */ function is_multi_line_attr( $attr_name, $val=null, $server_id=null ) { // First, check the optional val param for a \n or a \r if( null != $val && ( false !== strpos( $val, "\n" ) || false !== strpos( $val, "\r" ) ) ) return true; // Next, compare strictly by name first global $multi_line_attributes; if( isset( $multi_line_attributes ) && is_array( $multi_line_attributes ) ) foreach( $multi_line_attributes as $multi_line_attr_name ) if( 0 == strcasecmp( $multi_line_attr_name, $attr_name ) ) return true; // If unfound, compare by syntax OID if( null !== $server_id ) { global $multi_line_syntax_oids; if( isset( $multi_line_syntax_oids ) && is_array( $multi_line_syntax_oids ) ) { $schema_attr = get_schema_attribute( $server_id, $attr_name ); if( ! $schema_attr ) return false; $syntax_oid = $schema_attr->getSyntaxOID(); if( ! $syntax_oid ) return false; foreach( $multi_line_syntax_oids as $multi_line_syntax_oid ) if( $multi_line_syntax_oid == $syntax_oid ) return true; } } return false; } /** * Fetches the user setting for $search_deref from config.php. The returned value * will be one of the four LDAP_DEREF_* constancts defined by the PHP LDAP API. If * the user has failed to configure this setting or configured an inappropriate * value, the constant DEFAULT_SEARCH_DEREF_SETTING is returned. * * @see DEFAULT_SEARCH_DEREF_SETTING * @see is_valid_deref_setting() * @return int */ function get_search_deref_setting() { global $search_deref; if( ! isset( $search_deref ) || ! is_valid_deref_setting( $search_deref ) ) return DEFAULT_SEARCH_DEREF_SETTING; else return $search_deref; } /** * Fetches the user setting for $tree_deref from config.php. The returned value * will be one of the four LDAP_DEREF_* constancts defined by the PHP LDAP API. If * the user has failed to configure this setting or configured an inappropriate * value, the constant DEFAULT_TREE_DEREF_SETTING is returned. * * @see DEFAULT_TREE_DEREF_SETTING * @see is_valid_deref_setting() * @return int */ function get_tree_deref_setting() { global $tree_deref; if( ! isset( $tree_deref ) || ! is_valid_deref_setting( $tree_deref ) ) return DEFAULT_TREE_DEREF_SETTING; else return $tree_deref; } /** * Fetches the user setting for $export_deref from config.php. The returned value * will be one of the four LDAP_DEREF_* constancts defined by the PHP LDAP API. If * the user has failed to configure this setting or configured an inappropriate * value, the constant DEFAULT_EXPORT_DEREF_SETTING is returned. * * @see DEFAULT_EXPORT_DEREF_SETTING * @see is_valid_deref_setting() * @return int */ function get_export_deref_setting() { global $export_deref; if( ! isset( $export_deref ) || ! is_valid_deref_setting( $export_deref ) ) return DEFAULT_EXPORT_DEREF_SETTING; else return $export_deref; } /** * Fetches the user setting for $view_deref from config.php. The returned value * will be one of the four LDAP_DEREF_* constancts defined by the PHP LDAP API. If * the user has failed to configure this setting or configured an inappropriate * value, the constant DEFAULT_VIEW_DEREF_SETTING is returned. * * @see DEFAULT_VIEW_DEREF_SETTING * @see is_valid_deref_setting() * @return int */ function get_view_deref_setting() { global $view_deref; if( ! isset( $view_deref ) || ! is_valid_deref_setting( $view_deref ) ) return DEFAULT_VIEW_DEREF_SETTING; else return $view_deref; } /** * Checks the user-configured parameter for sanity. For the various *_deref settings, users * may only use one of LDAP_DEREF_NEVER, LDAP_DEREF_SEARCHING, LDAP_DEREF_FINDING, or * LDAP_DEREF_ALWAYS. This function can be used to conveniently enforce this. * * @param int $deref_setting The deref setting to validate. * @return bool */ function is_valid_deref_setting( $deref_setting ) { if( $deref_setting == LDAP_DEREF_NEVER || $deref_setting == LDAP_DEREF_SEARCHING || $deref_setting == LDAP_DEREF_FINDING || $deref_setting == LDAP_DEREF_ALWAYS ) return true; else return false; } /** * Fetch whether the user has configured a certain server as "low bandwidth". Users may * choose to configure a server as "low bandwidth" in config.php thus: * * $servers[$i]['low_bandwidth'] = true; * * @param int $server_id The ID of the server of interest from config.php. * @return bool */ function is_server_low_bandwidth( $server_id ) { global $servers; if( isset( $servers[$server_id]['low_bandwidth'] ) && true == $servers[$server_id]['low_bandwidth'] ) return true; else return false; } /** * Fetches whether TLS has been configured for use with a certain server. * Users may configure phpLDAPadmin to use TLS in config,php thus: * * $servers[$i]['tls'] = true; * * @param int $server_id The ID of the server of interest from config.php. * @return bool */ function tls_enabled( $server_id ) { global $servers; if( isset( $servers[$server_id]['tls'] ) && true == $servers[$server_id]['tls'] ) return true; else return false; } /** * Fetches whether phpLDAPadmin has been configured to redirect anonymously bound users * to a search form with no tree displayed. * This is configured in config.php thus: * * $anonymous_bind_redirect_no_tree = true; * * @return bool */ function anon_bind_tree_disabled() { global $anonymous_bind_redirect_no_tree; if( isset( $anonymous_bind_redirect_no_tree ) && true == $anonymous_bind_redirect_no_tree ) return true; else return false; } /** * Fetches whether the user has configured phpLDAPadmin to obfuscate passwords * with "*********" when displaying them. This is configured in config.php thus: * * $obfuscate_password_display = true; * * @return bool */ function obfuscate_password_display() { global $obfuscate_password_display; if( isset( $obfuscate_password_display ) && true == $obfuscate_password_display ) return true; else return false; } /** * Fetches whether the login_attr feature is enabled for a specified server. * This is configured in config.php thus: * * $servers[$server_id]['login_attr'] = 'uid'; * * By virtue of the fact that the login_attr is not blank and not 'dn', the * feature is configured to be enabled. * * @return bool */ function login_attr_enabled( $server_id ) { global $servers; if( isset( $servers[$server_id]['login_attr'] ) && 0 != strcasecmp( $servers[$server_id]['login_attr'], "dn" ) && trim( $servers[$server_id]['login_attr'] != "" ) ) return true; else return false; } /** * Returns an HTML-beautified version of a DN. * Internally, this function makes use of pla_explode_dn() to break the * the DN into its components. It then glues them back together with * "pretty" HTML. The returned HTML is NOT to be used as a real DN, but * simply displayed. * * @param string $dn The DN to pretty-print. * @return string */ function pretty_print_dn( $dn ) { $dn = pla_explode_dn( $dn ); foreach( $dn as $i => $element ) { $element = htmlspecialchars( $element ); $element = explode( '=', $element, 2 ); $element = implode( '=', $element ); $dn[$i] = $element; } $dn = implode( ',', $dn ); return $dn; } /** * Returns true if the attribute specified is required to take as input a DN. * Some examples include 'distinguishedName', 'member' and 'uniqueMember'. * @param int $server_id The ID of the server of interest * (required since this operation demands a schema lookup) * @param string $attr_name The name of the attribute of interest (case insensitive) * @return bool */ function is_dn_attr( $server_id, $attr_name ) { // Simple test first $dn_attrs = array( "aliasedObjectName" ); foreach( $dn_attrs as $dn_attr ) if( 0 == strcasecmp( $attr_name, $dn_attr ) ) return true; // Now look at the schema OID $attr_schema = get_schema_attribute( $server_id, $attr_name ); if( ! $attr_schema ) return false; $syntax_oid = $attr_schema->getSyntaxOID(); if( '' == $syntax_oid ) return true; if( '' == $syntax_oid ) return true; $syntaxes = get_schema_syntaxes( $server_id ); if( ! isset( $syntaxes[ $syntax_oid ] ) ) return false; $syntax_desc = $syntaxes[ $syntax_oid ]->getDescription(); if( false !== strpos( strtolower($syntax_desc), 'distinguished name' ) ) return true; return false; } /** * Given a string, this function returns true if the string has the format * of a DN (ie, looks like "cn=Foo,dc=example,dc=com"). Returns false otherwise. * The purpose of this function is so that developers can examine a string and * know if it looks like a DN, and draw a hyperlink as needed. * * (See unit_test.php for test cases) * * @param string $attr The attribute to examine for "DNness" * @see unit_test.php * @return bool */ function is_dn_string( $str ) { // Try to break the string into its component parts if it can be done // ie, "uid=Manager" "dc=example" and "dc=com" $parts = pla_explode_dn( $str ); if( ! is_array( $parts ) ) return false; if( 0 == count( $parts ) ) return false; // Foreach of the "parts", look for an "=" character, // and make sure neither the left nor the right is empty foreach( $parts as $part ) { if( false === strpos( $part, "=" ) ) return false; $sub_parts = explode( "=", $part, 2 ); $left = $sub_parts[0]; $right = $sub_parts[1]; if( 0 == strlen( trim( $left ) ) || 0 == strlen( trim( $right ) ) ) return false; if( false !== strpos( $left, '#' ) ) return false; } // We survived the above rigor. This is a bonified DN string. return true; } /** * Get whether a string looks like an email address (user@example.com). * * @param string $str The string to analyze. * @return bool Returns true if the specified string looks like * an email address or false otherwise. */ function is_mail_string( $str ) { $mail_regex = "/^[_A-Za-z0-9-]+(\\.[_A-Za-z0-9-]+)*@[A-Za-z0-9-]+(\\.[A-Za-z0-9-]+)*$/"; if( preg_match( $mail_regex, $str ) ) return true; else return false; } /** * Get whether a string looks like a web URL (http://www.example.com/) * * @param string $str The string to analyze. * @return bool Returns true if the specified string looks like * a web URL or false otherwise. */ function is_url_string( $str ) { $url_regex = '/(ftp|https?):\/\/+[\w\.\-\/\?\=\&]*\w+/'; if( preg_match( $url_regex, $str ) ) return true; else return false; } /** * Utility wrapper for setting cookies, which takes into consideration * phpLDAPadmin configuration values. On success, true is returned. On * failure, false is returned. * * @param string $name The name of the cookie to set. * @param string $val The value of the cookie to set. * @param int $expire (optional) The duration in seconds of this cookie. If unspecified, $cookie_time * is used from config.php * @param string $dir (optional) The directory value of this cookie (see php.net/setcookie) * * @see setcookie * @return bool */ function pla_set_cookie( $name, $val, $expire=null, $dir=null ) { if( $expire == null ) { global $cookie_time; if( ! isset( $cookie_time ) ) $cookie_time = 0; $expire = $cookie_time == 0 ? null : time() + $cookie_time; } if( $dir == null ) { $dir = dirname( $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] ); } if( @setcookie( $name, $val, $expire, $dir ) ) { $_COOKIE[ $name ] = $val; return true; } else { return false; } } /** * Responsible for setting two cookies/session-vars to indicate that a user has logged in, * one for the logged in DN and one for the logged in password. Cookies * are stored unencrypted in the client's browser's cookie cache. Use caution! * * This function is only used if 'auth_type' is set to 'cookie' or 'session'. The values * written have the name "pla_login_dn_X" and "pla_login_pass_X" where X is the * ID of the server to which the user is attempting login. * * Note that as with all cookie/session operations this function must be called BEFORE * any output is sent to the browser. * * On success, true is returned. On failure, false is returned. * * @param int $server_id The ID of the server to which the user is logged in. * @param string $dn The DN with which the user has logged in. * @param string $password The password of the user logged in. * @param bool $anon_bind Indicates that this is an anonymous bind such that * a password of "0" is stored. * @return bool * @see unset_login_dn */ function set_login_dn( $server_id, $dn, $password, $anon_bind ) { global $servers; if( ! check_server_id( $server_id ) ) return false; if( ! isset( $servers[ $server_id ][ 'auth_type' ] ) ) return false; $auth_type = $servers[ $server_id ][ 'auth_type' ]; switch( $auth_type ) { case 'cookie': $cookie_dn_name = "pla_login_dn_$server_id"; $cookie_pass_name = "pla_login_pass_$server_id"; if( $anon_bind ) { // we set the cookie password to 0 for anonymous binds. $res1 = pla_set_cookie( $cookie_dn_name, 'anonymous' ); $res2 = pla_set_cookie( $cookie_pass_name, '0' ); } else { $res1 = pla_set_cookie( $cookie_dn_name, $dn ); $res2 = pla_set_cookie( $cookie_pass_name, $password ); } if( $res1 && $res2 ) return true; else return false; break; case 'session': $sess_var_dn_name = "pla_login_dn_$server_id"; $sess_var_pass_name = "pla_login_pass_$server_id"; if( $anon_bind ) { $_SESSION[ $sess_var_dn_name ] = 'anonymous'; $_SESSION[ $sess_var_pass_name ] = 0; } else { $_SESSION[ $sess_var_dn_name ] = $dn; $_SESSION[ $sess_var_pass_name ] = $password; } return true; break; default: global $lang; pla_error( sprintf( $lang['unknown_auth_type'], htmlspecialchars( $auth_type ) ) ); break; } } /** * Effectively logs a user out from a server. * Removes the cookies/session-vars set by set_login_dn() * after a user logs out using "auth_type" of "session" or "cookie". * Returns true on success, false on failure. * * @param int $server_id The ID of the server from which the user is logging out. * @return bool True on success, false on failure. * @see set_login_dn */ function unset_login_dn( $server_id ) { global $servers; if( ! check_server_id( $server_id ) ) return false; if( ! isset( $servers[ $server_id ][ 'auth_type' ] ) ) return false; $auth_type = $servers[ $server_id ][ 'auth_type' ]; switch( $auth_type ) { case 'cookie': $logged_in_dn = get_logged_in_dn( $server_id ); if( ! $logged_in_dn ) return false; $logged_in_pass = get_logged_in_pass( $server_id ); $anon_bind = $logged_in_dn == 'anonymous' ? true : false; // set cookie with expire time already passed to erase cookie from client $expire = time()-3600; $cookie_dn_name = "pla_login_dn_$server_id"; $cookie_pass_name = "pla_login_pass_$server_id"; if( $anon_bind ) { $res1 = pla_set_cookie( $cookie_dn_name, 'anonymous', $expire ); $res2 = pla_set_cookie( $cookie_pass_name, '0', $expire ); } else { $res1 = pla_set_cookie( $cookie_dn_name, $logged_in_dn, $expire ); $res2 = pla_set_cookie( $cookie_pass_name, $logged_in_pass, $expire ); } if( ! $res1 || ! $res2 ) return false; else return true; break; case 'session': // unset session variables $session_var_dn_name = "pla_login_dn_$server_id"; $session_var_pass_name = "pla_login_pass_$server_id"; if( array_key_exists( $session_var_dn_name, $_SESSION ) ) unset( $_SESSION[ $session_var_dn_name ] ); if( array_key_exists( $session_var_pass_name, $_SESSION ) ) unset( $_SESSION[ "$session_var_pass_name" ] ); session_write_close(); return true; break; default: global $lang; pla_error( sprintf( $lang['unknown_auth_type'], htmlspecialchars( $auth_type ) ) ); break; } } /** * Compares 2 DNs. If they are equivelant, returns 0, otherwise, * returns their sorting order (similar to strcmp()): * Returns < 0 if dn1 is less than dn2. * Returns > 0 if dn1 is greater than dn2. * * The comparison is performed starting with the top-most element * of the DN. Thus, the following list: * * ou=people,dc=example,dc=com * cn=Admin,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com * cn=Joe,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com * dc=example,dc=com * cn=Fred,ou=people,dc=example,dc=org * cn=Dave,ou=people,dc=example,dc=org * * Will be sorted thus using usort( $list, "pla_compare_dns" ): * * dc=com * dc=example,dc=com * ou=people,dc=example,dc=com * cn=Admin,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com * cn=Joe,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com * cn=Dave,ou=people,dc=example,dc=org * cn=Fred,ou=people,dc=example,dc=org * * * @param string $dn1 The first of two DNs to compare * @param string $dn2 The second of two DNs to compare * @return int */ function pla_compare_dns( $dn1, $dn2 ) { // If they are obviously the same, return immediately if( 0 === strcasecmp( $dn1, $dn2 ) ) return 0; $dn1_parts = pla_explode_dn( pla_reverse_dn($dn1) ); $dn2_parts = pla_explode_dn( pla_reverse_dn($dn2) ); assert( is_array( $dn1_parts ) ); assert( is_array( $dn2_parts ) ); // Foreach of the "parts" of the smaller DN for( $i=0; $i count($dn2_parts) ) { return 1; } elseif( count( $dn2_parts ) > count( $dn1_parts ) ) { return -1; } else { return 0; } } /** * Prunes off anything after the ";" in an attr name. This is useful for * attributes that may have ";binary" appended to their names. With * real_attr_name(), you can more easily fetch these attributes' schema * with their "real" attribute name. * * @param string $attr_name The name of the attribute to examine. * @return string */ function real_attr_name( $attr_name ) { $attr_name = preg_replace( "/;.*$/U", "", $attr_name ); return $attr_name; } /** * Returns true if the user has configured the specified * server to enable mass deletion. Mass deletion is enabled in config.php this: * * $enable_mass_delete = true; * * Notice that mass deletes are not enabled on a per-server basis, but this * function checks that the sever is not in a read-only state as well. * * @param int $server_id The ID of the server of interest. * @return bool */ function mass_delete_enabled( $server_id ) { global $enable_mass_delete; if( check_server_id( $server_id ) && pla_ldap_connect( $server_id ) && have_auth_info( $server_id ) && ! is_server_read_only( $server_id ) && isset( $enable_mass_delete ) && true === $enable_mass_delete ) return true; else return false; } /** * Returns true if the user has configured PLA to show * helpful hints with the $show_hints setting. * This is configured in config.php thus: * * $show_hints = true; * * * @return bool */ function show_hints() { global $show_hints; if( isset( $show_hints ) && $show_hints === true ) return true; } /** * For hosts who have 'enable_auto_uid_numbers' set to true, this function will * get the next available uidNumber using the host's preferred mechanism * (uidpool or search). The uidpool mechanism uses a user-configured entry in * the LDAP server to store the last used uidNumber. This mechanism simply fetches * and increments and returns that value. The search mechanism is more complicated * and slow. It searches all entries that have uidNumber set, finds the smalles and * "fills in the gaps" by incrementing the smallest uidNumber until an unused value * is found. Both mechanisms do NOT prevent race conditions or toe-stomping, so * care must be taken when actually creating the entry to check that the uidNumber * returned here has not been used in the mean time. Note that the two different * mechanisms may (will!) return different values as they use different algorithms * to arrive at their result. Do not be alarmed if (when!) this is the case. * * Also note that both algorithms are susceptible to a race condition. If two admins * are adding users simultaneously, the users may get identical uidNumbers with this * function. * * See config.php.example for more notes on the two auto uidNumber mechanisms. * * @param int $server_id The ID of the server of interest. * @return int * * @todo eliminate race condition at create time by re-running this function. */ function get_next_uid_number( $server_id ) { global $servers, $lang; // Some error checking if( ! check_server_id( $server_id ) ) return false; $server_name = isset( $servers[ $server_id ]['name'] ) ? $servers[$server_id]['name'] : "Server $server_id"; if( ! isset( $servers[ $server_id ]['enable_auto_uid_numbers'] ) ) return false; if( ! isset( $servers[ $server_id ]['auto_uid_number_mechanism'] ) ) pla_error( sprintf($lang['auto_update_not_setup'], $server_name)); // Based on the configured mechanism, go get the next available uidNumber! $mechanism = $servers[$server_id]['auto_uid_number_mechanism']; // // case 1: uidpool mechanism // if( 0 == strcasecmp( $mechanism, 'uidpool' ) ) { if( ! isset( $servers[ $server_id ][ 'auto_uid_number_uid_pool_dn' ] ) ) pla_error( sprintf( $lang['uidpool_not_set'], $server_name ) ); $uid_pool_dn = $servers[ $server_id ][ 'auto_uid_number_uid_pool_dn' ]; if( ! dn_exists( $server_id, $uid_pool_dn ) ) pla_error( sprintf( $lang['uidpool_not_exist'] , $uid_pool_dn ) ); $next_uid_number = get_object_attr( $server_id, $uid_pool_dn, 'uidNumber' ); $next_uid_number = intval( $next_uid_number[ 0 ] ); $next_uid_number++; return $next_uid_number; // // case 2: search mechanism // } elseif( 0 == strcasecmp( $mechanism, 'search' ) ) { if( ! isset( $servers[ $server_id ][ 'auto_uid_number_search_base' ] ) ) pla_error( sprintf( $lang['specified_uidpool'] , $server_name ) ); $base_dn = $servers[ $server_id ][ 'auto_uid_number_search_base' ]; $filter = "(uidNumber=*)"; // Check see and use our alternate uid_dn and password if we have it. if ( isset( $servers[ $server_id ][ 'auto_uid_number_search_dn' ] ) && isset( $servers[ $server_id ][ 'auto_uid_number_search_dn_pass' ] ) ) { $con = @ldap_connect( $servers[$server_id]['host'], $servers[$server_id]['port'] ); @ldap_set_option( $con, LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, 3 ); @ldap_set_option( $con, LDAP_OPT_REFERRALS, 0); // Bind with the alternate ID. $res = @ldap_bind( $con, $servers[ $server_id ][ 'auto_uid_number_search_dn' ], $servers[ $server_id ][ 'auto_uid_number_search_dn_pass' ] ); if (! $res) pla_error( sprintf( $lang['auto_uid_invalid_credential'] , $server_name ) ); $search = @ldap_search( $con, $base_dn, $filter, array('uidNumber'), 0, 0, 0, get_search_deref_setting() ); if( ! $search ) pla_error( sprintf( $lang['bad_auto_uid_search_base'], $server_name ) ); $search = @ldap_get_entries( $con, $search ); $res = @ldap_unbind( $con ); $results = array(); for( $i=0; $i<$search['count']; $i++ ) { $entry = $search[$i]; $dn['dn'] = $entry['dn']; $dn['uidnumber'] = $entry['uidnumber'][0]; $results[] = $dn; } } else { $results = pla_ldap_search( $server_id, $filter, $base_dn, array('uidNumber')); } // lower-case all the inices so we can access them by name correctly foreach( $results as $dn => $attrs ) foreach( $attrs as $attr => $vals ) { unset( $results[$dn][$attr] ); $results[$dn][strtolower( $attr )] = $vals; } // construct a list of used uidNumbers $uids = array(); foreach ($results as $result) $uids[] = $result['uidnumber']; $uids = array_unique( $uids ); if( count( $uids ) == 0 ) return false; sort( $uids ); foreach( $uids as $uid ) $uid_hash[ $uid ] = 1; // start with the least existing uidNumber and add 1 if (isset($servers[$server_id]['auto_uid_number_min'])) { $uidNumber = $servers[$server_id]['auto_uid_number_min']; } else { $uidNumber = intval( $uids[0] ) + 1; } // this loop terminates as soon as we encounter the next available uidNumber while( isset( $uid_hash[ $uidNumber ] ) ) $uidNumber++; return $uidNumber; // // No other cases allowed. The user has an error in the configuration // } else { pla_error( sprintf( $lang['auto_uid_invalid_value'] , $mechanism) ); } } /** * Used to determine if the specified attribute is indeed a jpegPhoto. If the * specified attribute is one that houses jpeg data, true is returned. Otherwise * this function returns false. * * @param int $server_id The ID of the server hosuing the attribute of interest * @param string $attr_name The name of the attribute to test. * @return bool * @see draw_jpeg_photos */ function is_jpeg_photo( $server_id, $attr_name ) { // easy quick check if( 0 == strcasecmp( $attr_name, 'jpegPhoto' ) || 0 == strcasecmp( $attr_name, 'photo' ) ) return true; // go to the schema and get the Syntax OID require_once realpath( 'schema_functions.php' ); $schema_attr = get_schema_attribute( $server_id, $attr_name ); if( ! $schema_attr ) return false; $oid = $schema_attr->getSyntaxOID(); $type = $schema_attr->getType(); if( 0 == strcasecmp( $type, 'JPEG' ) ) return true; if( $oid == '' ) return true; return false; } /** * Given an attribute name and server ID number, this function returns * whether the attrbiute contains boolean data. This is useful for * developers who wish to display the contents of a boolean attribute * with a drop-down. * * @param int $server_id The ID of the server of interest (required since * this action requires a schema lookup on the server) * @param string $attr_name The name of the attribute to test. * @return bool */ function is_attr_boolean( $server_id, $attr_name ) { $type = ( $schema_attr = get_schema_attribute( $server_id, $attr_name ) ) ? $schema_attr->getType() : null; if( 0 == strcasecmp( 'boolean', $type ) || 0 == strcasecmp( 'isCriticalSystemObject', $attr_name ) || 0 == strcasecmp( 'showInAdvancedViewOnly', $attr_name ) ) return true; else return false; } /** * Given an attribute name and server ID number, this function returns * whether the attrbiute may contain binary data. This is useful for * developers who wish to display the contents of an arbitrary attribute * but don't want to dump binary data on the page. * * @param int $server_id The ID of the server of interest (required since * this action requires a schema lookup on the server) * @param string $attr_name The name of the attribute to test. * @return bool * * @see is_jpeg_photo */ function is_attr_binary( $server_id, $attr_name ) { $attr_name = strtolower( $attr_name ); /** Determining if an attribute is binary can be an expensive operation. We cache the results for each attr name on each server in the $attr_cache to speed up subsequent calls. The $attr_cache looks like this: Array 0 => Array 'objectclass' => false 'cn' => false 'usercertificate' => true 1 => Array 'jpegphoto' => true 'cn' => false */ static $attr_cache; if( isset( $attr_cache[ $server_id ][ $attr_name ] ) ) return $attr_cache[ $server_id ][ $attr_name ]; if( $attr_name == 'userpassword' ) { $attr_cache[ $server_id ][ $attr_name ] = false; return false; } // Quick check: If the attr name ends in ";binary", then it's binary. if( 0 == strcasecmp( substr( $attr_name, strlen( $attr_name ) - 7 ), ";binary" ) ) { $attr_cache[ $server_id ][ $attr_name ] = true; return true; } @require_once realpath( 'schema_functions.php' ); // See what the server schema says about this attribute $schema_attr = get_schema_attribute( $server_id, $attr_name ); if( ! $schema_attr ) { // Strangely, some attributeTypes may not show up in the server // schema. This behavior has been observed in MS Active Directory. $type = null; $syntax = null; } else { $type = $schema_attr->getType(); $syntax = $schema_attr->getSyntaxOID(); } if( 0 == strcasecmp( $type, 'Certificate' ) || 0 == strcasecmp( $type, 'Binary' ) || 0 == strcasecmp( $attr_name, 'usercertificate' ) || 0 == strcasecmp( $attr_name, 'usersmimecertificate' ) || 0 == strcasecmp( $attr_name, 'networkaddress' ) || 0 == strcasecmp( $attr_name, 'objectGUID' ) || 0 == strcasecmp( $attr_name, 'objectSID' ) || $syntax == '' || $syntax == '' || $syntax == '' || $syntax == '' || $syntax == '' || $syntax == '' ) { $attr_cache[ $server_id ][ $attr_name ] = true; return true; } else { $attr_cache[ $server_id ][ $attr_name ] = false; return false; } } /** * Returns true if the specified attribute is configured as read only * in config.php with the $read_only_attrs array. * Attributes are configured as read-only in config.php thus: * * $read_only_attrs = array( "objectClass", "givenName" ); * * * @param string $attr The name of the attribute to test. * @return bool */ function is_attr_read_only( $attr ) { global $read_only_attrs; $attr = trim( $attr ); if( '' === $attr ) return false; if( ! isset( $read_only_attrs ) ) return false; if( ! is_array( $read_only_attrs) ) return false; foreach( $read_only_attrs as $attr_name ) if( 0 == strcasecmp( $attr, trim($attr_name) ) ) return true; return false; } /** * Returns true if the specified server is configured to be displayed * in read only mode. If a user has logged in via anonymous bind, and * config.php specifies anonymous_bind_implies_read_only as true, then * this also returns true. Servers can be configured read-only in * config.php thus: * * $server[$i]['read_only'] = true; * * * @param int $server_id The ID of the server of interest from the $servers array in config.php * @return bool */ function is_server_read_only( $server_id ) { global $servers; if( isset( $servers[$server_id]['read_only'] ) && $servers[$server_id]['read_only'] == true ) return true; global $anonymous_bind_implies_read_only; if( "anonymous" == get_logged_in_dn( $server_id ) && isset( $anonymous_bind_implies_read_only ) && $anonymous_bind_implies_read_only == true ) return true; return false; } /** * Given a DN and server ID, this function reads the DN's objectClasses and * determines which icon best represents the entry. The results of this query * are cached in a session variable so it is not run every time the tree * browser changes, just when exposing new DNs that were not displayed * previously. That means we can afford a little bit of inefficiency here * in favor of coolness. :) * * This function returns a string like "country.png". All icon files are assumed * to be contained in the /images/ directory of phpLDAPadmin. * * Developers are encouraged to add new icons to the images directory and modify * this function as needed to suit their types of LDAP entries. If the modifications * are general to an LDAP audience, the phpLDAPadmin team will gladly accept them * as a patch. * * @param int $server_id The ID of the LDAP server housing the DN of interest. * @param string $dn The DN of the entry whose icon you wish to fetch. * * @return string */ function get_icon( $server_id, $dn ) { // fetch and lowercase all the objectClasses in an array $object_classes = get_object_attr( $server_id, $dn, 'objectClass', true ); if( $object_classes === null || $object_classes === false || ! is_array( $object_classes ) ) $object_classes = array(); foreach( $object_classes as $i => $class ) $object_classes[$i] = strtolower( $class ); $rdn = get_rdn( $dn ); $rdn_parts = explode( '=', $rdn, 2 ); $rdn_value = isset( $rdn_parts[0] ) ? $rdn_parts[0] : null; $rdn_attr = isset( $rdn_parts[1] ) ? $rdn_parts[1] : null; unset( $rdn_parts ); // return icon filename based upon objectClass value if( in_array( 'sambaaccount', $object_classes ) && '$' == $rdn{ strlen($rdn) - 1 } ) return 'nt_machine.png'; if( in_array( 'sambaaccount', $object_classes ) ) return 'nt_user.png'; elseif( in_array( 'person', $object_classes ) || in_array( 'organizationalperson', $object_classes ) || in_array( 'inetorgperson', $object_classes ) || in_array( 'account', $object_classes ) || in_array( 'posixaccount', $object_classes ) ) return 'user.png'; elseif( in_array( 'organization', $object_classes ) ) return 'o.png'; elseif( in_array( 'organizationalunit', $object_classes ) ) return 'ou.png'; elseif( in_array( 'organizationalrole', $object_classes ) ) return 'uid.png'; elseif( in_array( 'dcobject', $object_classes ) || in_array( 'domainrelatedobject', $object_classes ) || in_array( 'domain', $object_classes ) || in_array( 'builtindomain', $object_classes )) return 'dc.png'; elseif( in_array( 'country', $object_classes ) ) return 'country.png'; elseif( in_array( 'jammvirtualdomain', $object_classes ) ) return 'mail.png'; elseif( in_array( 'locality', $object_classes ) ) return 'locality.png'; elseif( in_array( 'posixgroup', $object_classes ) || in_array( 'groupofnames', $object_classes ) || in_array( 'group', $object_classes ) ) return 'ou.png'; elseif( in_array( 'applicationprocess', $object_classes ) ) return 'process.png'; elseif( in_array( 'groupofuniquenames', $object_classes ) ) return 'uniquegroup.png'; elseif( in_array( 'iphost', $object_classes ) ) return 'host.png'; elseif( in_array( 'nlsproductcontainer', $object_classes ) ) return 'n.png'; elseif( in_array( 'ndspkikeymaterial', $object_classes ) ) return 'lock.png'; elseif( in_array( 'server', $object_classes ) ) return 'server-small.png'; elseif( in_array( 'volume', $object_classes ) ) return 'hard-drive.png'; elseif( in_array( 'ndscatcatalog', $object_classes ) ) return 'catalog.png'; elseif( in_array( 'resource', $object_classes ) ) return 'n.png'; elseif( in_array( 'ldapgroup', $object_classes ) ) return 'ldap-server.png'; elseif( in_array( 'ldapserver', $object_classes ) ) return 'ldap-server.png'; elseif( in_array( 'nisserver', $object_classes ) ) return 'ldap-server.png'; elseif( in_array( 'rbscollection', $object_classes ) ) return 'ou.png'; elseif( in_array( 'dfsconfiguration', $object_classes ) ) return 'nt_machine.png'; elseif( in_array( 'applicationsettings', $object_classes ) ) return 'server-settings.png'; elseif( in_array( 'container', $object_classes ) ) return 'folder.png'; elseif( in_array( 'samServer', $object_classes ) ) return 'server-small.png'; elseif( in_array( 'lostandfound', $object_classes ) ) return 'find.png'; elseif( in_array( 'infrastructureupdate', $object_classes ) ) return 'server-small.png'; elseif( in_array( 'filelinktracking', $object_classes ) ) return 'files.png'; elseif( in_array( 'automountmap', $object_classes ) ) return 'hard-drive.png'; elseif( 0 === strpos( $rdn_value, "ipsec" ) || 0 == strcasecmp( $rdn_value, "IP Security" ) || 0 == strcasecmp( $rdn_value, "MSRADIUSPRIVKEY Secret" ) || 0 === strpos( $rdn_value, "BCKUPKEY_" ) ) return 'lock.png'; elseif( 0 == strcasecmp( $rdn_value, "MicrosoftDNS" ) ) return 'dc.png'; // Oh well, I don't know what it is. Use a generic icon. else return 'object.png'; } /** * Does the same thing as get_icon(), but it tries to fetch the icon name from the * tree_icons session variable first. If not found, resorts to get_icon() and stores * the icon nmae in the tree_icons session before returing the icon. * * @param int $server_id The ID of the server housing the DN of interest. * @param string $dn The DN of the entry of interest. * * @return string * * @see get_icon */ function get_icon_use_cache( $server_id, $dn ) { if( array_key_exists( 'tree_icons', $_SESSION ) ) { if( array_key_exists( $server_id, $_SESSION['tree_icons'] ) && array_key_exists( $dn, $_SESSION['tree_icons'][$server_id] ) ) { return $_SESSION['tree_icons'][ $server_id ][ $dn ]; } else { $icon = get_icon( $server_id, $dn ); $_SESSION['tree_icons'][ $server_id ][ $dn ] = $icon; return $icon; } } } /** * Given a server_id, returns whether or not we have enough information * to authenticate against the server. For example, if the user specifies * auth_type of 'cookie' in the config for that server, it checks the $_COOKIE array to * see if the cookie username and password is set for the server. If the auth_type * is 'session', the $_SESSION array is checked. * * There are three cases for this function depending on the auth_type configured for * the specified server. If the auth_type is form or http, then get_logged_in_dn() is * called to verify that the user has logged in. If the auth_type is config, then the * $servers array in config.php is checked to ensure that the user has specified * login information. In any case, if phpLDAPadmin has enough information to login * to the server, true is returned. Otherwise false is returned. * * @param int $server_id * @return bool * @see get_logged_in_dn */ function have_auth_info( $server_id ) { global $servers; if( ! check_server_id( $server_id ) ) return false; $server = $servers[$server_id]; // For session or cookie auth_types, we check the session or cookie to see if a user has logged in. if( isset( $server['auth_type'] ) && ( $server['auth_type'] == 'session' || $server['auth_type'] == 'cookie' ) ) { // we don't look at get_logged_in_pass() cause it may be null for anonymous binds // get_logged_in_dn() will never return null if someone is really logged in. if( get_logged_in_dn( $server_id ) ) return true; else return false; } // whether or not the login_dn or pass is specified, we return // true here. (if they are blank, we do an anonymous bind anyway) elseif( ! isset( $server['auth_type'] ) || $server['auth_type'] == 'config' ) { return true; } else { global $lang; pla_error( sprintf( $lang['error_auth_type_config'], htmlspecialchars($server['auth_type'])) ); } } /** * Fetches the password of the currently logged in user (for auth_types "form" and "http" only) * or false if the current login is anonymous. * * @param int $server_id The ID of the server of interest. * * @return string * * @see have_auth_info * @see get_logged_in_dn */ function get_logged_in_pass( $server_id ) { global $servers; if( ! is_numeric( $server_id ) ) return false; if( ! isset( $servers[ $server_id ][ 'auth_type' ] ) ) return false; $auth_type = $servers[ $server_id ][ 'auth_type' ]; switch( $auth_type ) { case 'cookie': $cookie_name = 'pla_login_pass_' . $server_id; $pass = isset( $_COOKIE[ $cookie_name ] ) ? $_COOKIE[ $cookie_name ] : false; if( $pass == '0' ) return null; else return $pass; break; case 'session': $session_var_name = 'pla_login_pass_' . $server_id; $pass = isset( $_SESSION[ $session_var_name ] ) ? $_SESSION[ $session_var_name ] : false; if( $pass == '0' ) return null; else return $pass; break; case 'config': return false; break; default: global $lang; pla_error( sprintf( $lang['unknown_auth_type'], htmlspecialchars( $auth_type ) ) ); } } /** * Returns the DN who is logged in currently to the given server, which may * either be a DN or the string 'anonymous'. This applies only for auth_types * "form" and "http". * One place where this function is used is the tree viewer: * After a user logs in, the text "Logged in as: " is displayed under the server * name. This information is retrieved from this function. * * @param int $server_id The ID of the server of interest. * * @return string * * @see have_auth_info * @see get_logged_in_pass */ function get_logged_in_dn( $server_id ) { global $servers; if( ! is_numeric( $server_id ) ) return false; if( ! isset( $servers[ $server_id ][ 'auth_type' ] ) ) return false; $auth_type = $servers[ $server_id ][ 'auth_type' ]; switch( $auth_type ) { case 'cookie': $cookie_name = 'pla_login_dn_' . $server_id; if( isset( $_COOKIE[ $cookie_name ] ) ) { $dn = $_COOKIE[ $cookie_name ]; } else { return false; } return $dn; break; case 'session': $session_var_name = 'pla_login_dn_' . $server_id; if( isset( $_SESSION[ $session_var_name ] ) ) { $dn = $_SESSION[ $session_var_name ]; return $dn; } else { return false; } break; case 'config': return false; break; default: global $lang; pla_error( sprintf( $lang['unknown_auth_type'], htmlspecialchars( $auth_type ) ) ); } } /** * Appends a servers base to a "sub" dn or returns the base. * If $get_base is true, return at least the base, otherwise null. */ function expand_dn_with_base( $server_id, $sub_dn, $conn = null, $get_base = true ) { global $servers; if( ! check_server_id( $server_id ) ) return false; $empty_str = ( is_null($sub_dn) || ( ( $len = strlen( trim( $sub_dn ) ) ) == 0 ) ); if ( $empty_str ) { // If we have no string and want not base if ( ! $get_base ) return null; } // If we have a string which doesn't need a base elseif ( $sub_dn[$len - 1] != ',' ) return $sub_dn; if( ( $empty_str && $get_base ) || ! $empty_str ) { if( isset($servers[$server_id]['base']) ) { $base = $servers[$server_id]['base']; if ( strlen( trim( $base ) ) == 0 ) $base = try_to_get_root_dn( $server_id, $conn ); } else { $base = try_to_get_root_dn( $server_id, $conn ); } if ( $base ) return ( ! $empty_str ) ? $sub_dn . $base : $base; } return null; } /** * Logs into the specified server using the auth_type configured for that server using * ldap_connect() and ldap_bind() from the PHP LDAP API. * If anonymous is true bind information (user / pass) is ignored (= anonymous). * If anonymous is null a new bind is done (i.e. user changed). * Returns true on success or false on failure. * * @param int $server_id The ID of the server of interest. * @param bool $anonymous Set to override server config * @return bool * * @see get_logged_in_dn * @see get_logged_in_pass * @see have_auth_info * @see check_server_id */ function pla_ldap_connect( $server_id, $anonymous = false ) { if( ! check_server_id( $server_id ) ) return false; if( ! $anonymous && ! have_auth_info( $server_id ) ) return false; global $servers, $lang; // cache the connection, so if we are called multiple // times, we don't have to reauthenticate with the LDAP server static $conns; // We can reuse connections for multiple binds if we don't ldap_unbind if( isset( $conns[$server_id] ) ) { $conn = $conns[$server_id]['conn']; $status = $conns[$server_id]['stat']; // Status tells us, if we can use the same bind if( !is_null($status) && $status == $anonymous ) return $conn; } else { $host = $servers[$server_id]['host']; $port = isset( $servers[$server_id]['port'] ) ? $servers[ $server_id ][ 'port' ] : false; if( $port ) $conn = @ldap_connect( $host, $port ); else $conn = @ldap_connect( $host ); $conn or pla_error( sprintf( $lang['could_not_connect_to_host_on_port'], htmlspecialchars( $host ), htmlspecialchars( $port ) ) ); // go with LDAP version 3 if possible (needed for renaming and Novell schema fetching) @ldap_set_option( $conn, LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, 3 ); // Disabling this makes it possible to browse the tree for Active Directory, and seems // to not affect other LDAP servers (tested with OpenLDAP) as phpLDAPadmin explicitly // specifies deref behavior for each ldap_search operation. @ldap_set_option( $conn, LDAP_OPT_REFERRALS, 0); // try to fire up TLS is specified in the config if( tls_enabled( $server_id ) ) { global $lang; function_exists( 'ldap_start_tls' ) or pla_error( $lang['php_install_not_supports_tls'] ); @ldap_start_tls( $conn ) or pla_error( $lang['could_not_start_tls']); } // store the cached connection resource $conns[$server_id]['conn'] = $conn; $conns[$server_id]['stat'] = null; } if( $anonymous == true ) { $login_dn = null; $login_pass = null; } // grab the auth info based on the auth_type for this server elseif( $servers[ $server_id ][ 'auth_type' ] == 'config' ) { $login_dn = $servers[$server_id]['login_dn']; $login_pass = $servers[$server_id]['login_pass']; $login_dn = expand_dn_with_base( $server_id, $login_dn, $conn, false ); } else { $login_dn = get_logged_in_dn( $server_id ); $login_pass = get_logged_in_pass( $server_id ); // Was this an anonyous bind (the cookie stores 0 if so)? if( 'anonymous' == $login_dn ) { $login_dn = null; $login_pass = null; } } $res = @ldap_bind( $conn, $login_dn, $login_pass ); if( ! $res ) return false; // store the bind status $conns[$server_id]['stat'] = $anonymous; return $conn; } /** * Gets a list of child entries for an entry. Given a DN, this function fetches the list of DNs of * child entries one level beneath the parent. For example, for the following tree: * * * dc=example,dc=com * ou=People * cn=Dave * cn=Fred * cn=Joe * ou=More People * cn=Mark * cn=Bob * * * Calling get_container_contents( $server_id, "ou=people,dc=example,dc=com" ) * would return the following list: * * * cn=Dave * cn=Fred * cn=Joe * ou=More People * * * @param int $server_id The ID of the server housing the entry of interest * @param string $dn The DN of the entry whose children to return. * @param int $size_limit (optional) The maximum number of entries to return. * If unspecified, no limit is applied to the number of entries in the returned. * @param string $filter (optional) An LDAP filter to apply when fetching children, example: "(objectClass=inetOrgPerson)" * @return array An array of DN strings listing the immediate children of the specified entry. */ function get_container_contents( $server_id, $dn, $size_limit=0, $filter='(objectClass=*)', $deref=LDAP_DEREF_ALWAYS ) { $con = pla_ldap_connect( $server_id ); if( ! $con ) return false; // echo "get_container_contents( $server_id, $dn, $size_limit, $filter, $deref )\n"; $search = @ldap_list( $con, $dn, $filter, array( 'dn' ), 1, $size_limit, 0, $deref ); if( ! $search ) return array(); $search = ldap_get_entries( $con, $search ); $return = array(); for( $i=0; $i<$search['count']; $i++ ) { $entry = $search[$i]; $dn = $entry['dn']; $return[] = $dn; } return $return; } /** * Builds the initial tree that is stored in the session variable 'tree'. * Simply returns an array with an entry for each active server in * config.php. The structure of the returned array is simple, and looks like * this: * * Array ( * 0 => Array ( * dc=example,dc=com => "dcobject.png" * ), * 1 => Array ( * o=Corporation => "o.png" * ) * ) * * This function is not meant as a user callable function, but rather a convenient, automated method for * setting up the initial data structure for the tree viewer's icon cache. */ function build_initial_tree() { global $servers; $tree = array(); foreach( $servers as $id => $server ) { if( $server['host'] == '' ) { continue; } $tree[$id] = array(); } return $tree; } /** * Builds the initial array that stores the icon-lookup for each server's DN in the tree browser. The returned * array is then stored in the current session. The structure of the returned array is simple, and looks like * this: * * Array * ( * [0] => Array ( * [dc=example,dc=com] => "dcobject.png" * ) * [1] => Array ( * [o=Corporation] => "o.png" * ) * ) * * This function is not meant as a user-callable function, but rather a convenient, automated method for * setting up the initial data structure for the tree viewer's icon cache. */ function build_initial_tree_icons() { global $servers; $tree_icons = array(); // initialize an empty array for each server foreach( $servers as $id => $server ) { if( $server['host'] == '' ) continue; $tree_icons[ $id ] = array(); $tree_icons[ $id ][ $server['base'] ] = get_icon( $id, $server['base'] ); } return $tree_icons; } /* * Checks and fixes an initial session's tree cache if needed. * * This function is not meant as a user-callable function, but rather a convenient, * automated method for checking the initial data structure of the session. */ function initialize_session_tree() { // From the PHP manual: If you use $_SESSION don't use // session_register(), session_is_registered() or session_unregister()! if( ! array_key_exists( 'tree', $_SESSION ) ) $_SESSION['tree'] = build_initial_tree(); if( ! array_key_exists( 'tree_icons', $_SESSION ) ) $_SESSION['tree_icons'] = build_initial_tree_icons(); // Make sure that the tree index is indeed well formed. if( ! is_array( $_SESSION['tree'] ) ) $_SESSION['tree'] = build_initial_tree(); if( ! is_array( $_SESSION['tree_icons'] ) ) $_SESSION['tree_icons'] = build_initial_tree_icons(); } /** * Gets the operational attributes for an entry. Given a DN, this function fetches that entry's * operational (ie, system or internal) attributes. These attributes include "createTimeStamp", * "creatorsName", and any other attribute that the LDAP server sets automatically. The returned * associative array is of this form: * * Array * ( * [creatorsName] => Array * ( * [0] => "cn=Admin,dc=example,dc=com" * ) * [createTimeStamp]=> Array * ( * [0] => "10401040130" * ) * [hasSubordinates] => Array * ( * [0] => "FALSE" * ) * ) * * * @param int $server_id the ID of the server of interest. * @param string $dn The DN of the entry whose interal attributes are desired. * @param int $deref For aliases and referrals, this parameter specifies whether to * follow references to the referenced DN or to fetch the attributes for * the referencing DN. See http://php.net/ldap_search for the 4 valid * options. * @return array An associative array whose keys are attribute names and whose values * are arrays of values for the aforementioned attribute. */ function get_entry_system_attrs( $server_id, $dn, $deref=LDAP_DEREF_NEVER ) { $conn = pla_ldap_connect( $server_id ); if( ! $conn ) return false; $attrs = array( 'creatorsname', 'createtimestamp', 'modifiersname', 'structuralObjectClass', 'entryUUID', 'modifytimestamp', 'subschemaSubentry', 'hasSubordinates', '+' ); $search = @ldap_read( $conn, $dn, '(objectClass=*)', $attrs, 0, 0, 0, $deref ); if( ! $search ) return false; $entry = ldap_first_entry( $conn, $search ); if( ! $entry) return false; $attrs = ldap_get_attributes( $conn, $entry ); if( ! $attrs ) return false; if( ! isset( $attrs['count'] ) ) return false; $count = $attrs['count']; unset( $attrs['count'] ); $return_attrs = array(); for( $i=0; $i<$count; $i++ ) { $attr_name = $attrs[$i]; unset( $attrs[$attr_name]['count'] ); $return_attrs[$attr_name] = $attrs[$attr_name]; } return $return_attrs; } /** * Gets the attributes/values of an entry. Returns an associative array whose * keys are attribute value names and whose values are arrays of values for * said attribute. Optionally, callers may specify true for the parameter * $lower_case_attr_names to force all keys in the associate array (attribute * names) to be lower case. * * Sample return value of get_object_attrs( 0, "cn=Bob,ou=pepole,dc=example,dc=com" ) * * * Array * ( * [objectClass] => Array * ( * [0] => person * [1] => top * ) * [cn] => Array * ( * [0] => Bob * ) * [sn] => Array * ( * [0] => Jones * ) * [dn] => Array * ( * [0] => cn=Bob,ou=pepole,dc=example,dc=com * ) * ) * * * @param int $server_id The ID of the server of interest * @param string $dn The distinguished name (DN) of the entry whose attributes/values to fetch. * @param bool $lower_case_attr_names (optional) If true, all keys of the returned associative * array will be lower case. Otherwise, they will be cased as the LDAP server returns * them. * @param int $deref For aliases and referrals, this parameter specifies whether to * follow references to the referenced DN or to fetch the attributes for * the referencing DN. See http://php.net/ldap_search for the 4 valid * options. * @return array * @see get_entry_system_attrs * @see get_object_attr */ function get_object_attrs( $server_id, $dn, $lower_case_attr_names=false, $deref=LDAP_DEREF_NEVER ) { //echo "get_object_attrs( $server_id, $dn, $lower_case_attr_names )
"; $conn = pla_ldap_connect( $server_id ); if( ! $conn ) return false; $search = @ldap_read( $conn, $dn, '(objectClass=*)', array( ), 0, 0, 0, $deref ); if( ! $search ) return false; $entry = ldap_first_entry( $conn, $search ); if( ! $entry ) return false; $attrs = ldap_get_attributes( $conn, $entry ); if( ! $attrs || $attrs['count'] == 0 ) return false; $num_attrs = $attrs['count']; unset( $attrs['count'] ); // strip numerical inices for( $i=0; $i<$num_attrs; $i++ ) unset( $attrs[$i] ); $return_array = array(); foreach( $attrs as $attr => $vals ) { if( $lower_case_attr_names ) $attr = strtolower( $attr ); if( is_attr_binary( $server_id, $attr ) ) $vals = ldap_get_values_len( $conn, $entry, $attr ); unset( $vals['count'] ); $return_array[ $attr ] = $vals; } ksort( $return_array ); return $return_array; } /** * Returns true if the passed string $temp contains all printable * ASCII characters. Otherwise (like if it contains binary data), * returns false. */ function is_printable_str($temp) { $len = strlen($temp); for ($i=0; $i<$len; $i++) { $ascii_val = ord( substr( $temp,$i,1 ) ); if( $ascii_val < 32 || $ascii_val > 126 ) return false; } return true; } /** * Much like get_object_attrs(), but only returns the values for * one attribute of an object. Example calls: * * * print_r( get_object_attr( 0, "cn=Bob,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com", "sn" ) ); * // prints: * // Array * // ( * // [0] => "Smith" * // ) * * print_r( get_object_attr( 0, "cn=Bob,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com", "objectClass" ) ); * // prints: * // Array * // ( * // [0] => "top" * // [1] => "person" * // ) * * * @param int $server_id The ID of the server of interest * @param string $dn The distinguished name (DN) of the entry whose attributes/values to fetch. * @param string $attr The attribute whose value(s) to return (ie, "objectClass", "cn", "userPassword") * @param bool $lower_case_attr_names (optional) If true, all keys of the returned associative * array will be lower case. Otherwise, they will be cased as the LDAP server returns * them. * @param int $deref For aliases and referrals, this parameter specifies whether to * follow references to the referenced DN or to fetch the attributes for * the referencing DN. See http://php.net/ldap_search for the 4 valid * options. * @see get_object_attrs */ function get_object_attr( $server_id, $dn, $attr, $deref=LDAP_DEREF_NEVER ) { /** $attr = strtolower( $attr ); $attrs = get_object_attrs( $server_id, $dn, true ); if( isset( $attrs[$attr] ) ) return $attrs[$attr]; else return false; */ //echo "get_object_attr( $server_id, $dn, $attr )
"; $conn = pla_ldap_connect( $server_id ); if( ! $conn ) return false; $search = @ldap_read( $conn, $dn, '(objectClass=*)', array( $attr ), 0, 0, 0, $deref ); if( ! $search ) return false; $entry = ldap_first_entry( $conn, $search ); if( ! $entry ) return false; $attrs = ldap_get_attributes( $conn, $entry ); if( ! $attrs || $attrs['count'] == 0 ) return false; if( is_attr_binary( $server_id, $attr ) ) $vals = ldap_get_values_len( $conn, $entry, $attr ); else $vals = ldap_get_values( $conn, $entry, $attr ); unset( $vals['count'] ); return $vals; } /** * A handy ldap searching function very similar to PHP's ldap_search() with the * following exceptions: Callers may specify a search scope and the return value * is an array containing the search results rather than an LDAP result resource. * * Example usage: * * $samba_users = ldap_search( 0, "(&(objcetClass=sambaAccount)(objectClass=posixAccount))", * "ou=People,dc=example,dc=com", array( "uid", "homeDirectory" ) ); * print_r( $samba_users ); * // prints (for example): * // Array * // ( * // [uid=jsmith,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com] => Array * // ( * // [dn] => "uid=jsmith,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com" * // [uid] => "jsmith" * // [homeDirectory] => "\\server\jsmith" * // ) * // [uid=byoung,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com] => Array * // ( * // [dn] => "uid=byoung,ou=Samba,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com" * // [uid] => "byoung" * // [homeDirectory] => "\\server\byoung" * // ) * // ) * * * WARNING: This function will use a lot of memory on large searches since the entire result set is * stored in a single array. For large searches, you should consider sing the less memory intensive * PHP LDAP API directly (ldap_search(), ldap_next_entry(), ldap_next_attribute(), etc). * * @param int $server_id The ID of the server to search on. * @param string $filter The LDAP filter to use when searching (example: "(objectClass=*)") (see RFC 2254) * @param string $base_dn The DN of the base of search. * @param array $attrs An array of attributes to include in the search result (example: array( "objectClass", "uid", "sn" )). * @param string $scope The LDAP search scope. Must be one of "base", "one", or "sub". Standard LDAP search scope. * @param bool $sort_results Specify false to not sort results by DN or true to have the * returned array sorted by DN (uses ksort) * @param int $deref When handling aliases or referrals, this specifies whether to follow referrals. Must be one of * LDAP_DEREF_ALWAYS, LDAP_DEREF_NEVER, LDAP_DEREF_SEARCHING, or LDAP_DEREF_FINDING. See the PHP LDAP API for details. */ function pla_ldap_search( $server_id, $filter, $base_dn=null, $attrs=array(), $scope='sub', $sort_results=true, $deref=LDAP_DEREF_ALWAYS ) { global $servers; if( ! check_server_id( $server_id ) ) return false; if( $base_dn == null ) $base_dn = $servers[$server_id]['base']; $ds = pla_ldap_connect( $server_id ); if( ! $ds ) return false; switch( $scope ) { case 'base': $search = @ldap_read( $ds, $base_dn, $filter, $attrs, 0, 0, 0, $deref ); break; case 'one': $search = @ldap_list( $ds, $base_dn, $filter, $attrs, 0, 0, 0, $defef ); break; case 'sub': default: $search = @ldap_search( $ds, $base_dn, $filter, $attrs, 0, 0, 0, $deref ); break; } if( ! $search ) return array(); $return = array(); //get the first entry identifier if( $entry_id = ldap_first_entry($ds,$search) ) //iterate over the entries while($entry_id) { //get the distinguished name of the entry $dn = ldap_get_dn($ds,$entry_id); //get the attributes of the entry $attrs = ldap_get_attributes($ds,$entry_id); $return[$dn]['dn'] = $dn; //get the first attribute of the entry if($attr = ldap_first_attribute($ds,$entry_id,$attrs)) //iterate over the attributes while($attr){ if( is_attr_binary($server_id,$attr)) $values = ldap_get_values_len($ds,$entry_id,$attr); else $values = ldap_get_values($ds,$entry_id,$attr); //get the number of values for this attribute $count = $values['count']; unset($values['count']); if($count==1) $return[$dn][$attr] = $values[0]; else $return[$dn][$attr] = $values; $attr = ldap_next_attribute($ds,$entry_id,$attrs); }// end while attr $entry_id = ldap_next_entry($ds,$entry_id); } // end while entry_id if( $sort_results && is_array( $return ) ) ksort( $return ); return $return; } /** * Reads the query, checks all values and sets defaults. * * @param int $query_id The ID of the predefined query. * * @return array The fixed query or null on error */ function get_fixed_query($query_id) { global $queries; if( ! isset( $queries[$query_id] ) ) return null; $query = $queries[$query_id]; if( isset( $query['server'] ) && ( is_numeric( $query['server'] ) ) ) $server_id = $query['server']; else $server_id = 0; $base = ( isset( $query['base'] ) ) ? $query['base'] : null; $base = expand_dn_with_base( $server_id, $base ); if( isset( $query['filter'] ) && strlen( trim( $query['filter'] ) ) > 0 ) $filter = $query['filter']; else $filter = 'objectclass=*'; $scope = isset( $query['scope'] ) && ( in_array( $query['scope'], array( 'base', 'sub', 'one' ) ) ) ? $query['scope'] : 'sub'; if( isset( $query['attributes'] ) && strlen( trim( $query['filter'] ) ) > 0 ) $attrib = $query['attributes']; else $attrib = "dn, cn"; return array ( 'server' => $server_id, 'base' => $base, 'filter' => $filter, 'scope' => $scope, 'attributes' => $attrib ); } /** * Transforms the user-configured search lists into arrays for use by other components of phpLDAPadmin. * This may seem a little strange, and that's because it is strange. * * The function takes the comma-separated lists (like the search result attribute list) in config.php * and turns them into arrays. Only call this ONCE per script. Any subsequent call will * mess up the arrays. This function operates on global variables defined in config.php and is currently * only used by search_form_simple.php * * For more details, just read the function's code. It's short and pretty straightforward. */ function process_config() { global $search_result_attributes; $search_result_attributes = explode( ",", $search_result_attributes ); array_walk( $search_result_attributes, "trim_it" ); global $search_attributes_display; $search_attributes_display = explode( ",", $search_attributes_display ); array_walk( $search_attributes_display, "trim_it" ); global $search_attributes; $search_attributes= explode( ",", $search_attributes); array_walk( $search_attributes, "trim_it" ); } /** * Trim a string in place (call by reference) Used to filter empty entries out of the arrays * that we generate in process_config(). */ function trim_it( &$str ) { $str = trim($str); } /** * Checks the specified server id for sanity. Ensures that the server is indeed in the configured * list and active. This is used by many many scripts to ensure that valid server ID values * are passed in POST and GET. */ function check_server_id( $server_id ) { global $servers; if( ! is_numeric( $server_id ) || ! isset( $servers[$server_id] ) || ! isset( $servers[$server_id]['host'] ) || $servers[$server_id]['host'] == '' ) return false; else return true; } /** * Used to generate a random salt for crypt-style passwords. Salt strings are used * to make pre-built hash cracking dictionaries difficult to use as the hash algorithm uses * not only the user's password but also a randomly generated string. The string is * stored as the first N characters of the hash for reference of hashing algorithms later. * * --- added 20021125 by bayu irawan --- * --- ammended 20030625 by S C Rigler --- * * @param int $length The length of the salt string to generate. * @return string The generated salt string. */ function random_salt( $length ) { $possible = '0123456789'. 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'. 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'. './'; $str = ""; mt_srand((double)microtime() * 1000000); while( strlen( $str ) < $length ) { $str .= substr( $possible, ( rand() % strlen( $possible ) ), 1 ); } /** * Commented out following line because of problem * with crypt function in update.php * --- 20030625 by S C Rigler --- */ //$str = "\$1\$".$str."\$"; return $str; } /** * Goes through the user-configured server list and looks for an available server_id, * one that has specified enough information to login. This is for choosing the * server to display in the drop-down box in search.php. * * @return int The first available server ID found. */ function get_avail_server_id() { global $servers; for( $i=0; $i * Array * ( * [title] => "Invalid Credentials" * [description] => "An invalid username and/or password was supplied to the LDAP server." * ) * */ function pla_verbose_error( $err_no ) { static $err_codes; if( count($err_codes) > 0 ) { if( isset( $err_codes[ $err_no ] ) ) return $err_codes[ $err_no ]; else return array( 'title' => null, 'desc' => null ); } $err_codes_file = 'ldap_error_codes.txt'; if( ! file_exists( realpath( $err_codes_file ) ) ) return false; if( ! is_readable( realpath( $err_codes_file ) ) ) return false; if( ! ($f = fopen( realpath( $err_codes_file ), 'r' ) ) ) return false; $contents = fread( $f, filesize( $err_codes_file ) ); fclose( $f ); $entries = array(); preg_match_all( "/0x[A-Fa-f0-9][A-Za-z0-9]\s+[0-9A-Za-z_]+\s+\"[^\"]*\"\n/", $contents, $entries ); $err_codes = array(); foreach( $entries[0] as $e ) { $entry = array(); preg_match( "/(0x[A-Za-z0-9][A-Za-z0-9])\s+([0-9A-Za-z_]+)\s+\"([^\"]*)\"/", $e, $entry ); $hex_code = isset( $entry[1] ) ? $entry[1] : null; $title = isset( $entry[2] ) ? $entry[2] : null; $desc = isset( $entry[3] ) ? $entry[3] : null; $desc = preg_replace( "/\s+/", " ", $desc ); $err_codes[ "$hex_code" ] = array( 'title' => $title, 'desc' => $desc ); } // Sanity check if( isset( $err_codes[ $err_no ] ) ) return $err_codes[ $err_no ]; else return array( 'title' => null, 'desc' => null ); } /** * Prints an HTML-formatted error string. If you specify the optional * parameters $ldap_err_msg and $ldap_err_no, this function will * lookup the error number and display a verbose message in addition * to the message you pass it. * * @param string $msg The error message to display. * @param string $ldap_err_msg (optional) The error message supplied by the LDAP server * @param string $ldap_err_no (optional) The hexadecimal error number string supplied by the LDAP server * @param bool $fatal (optional) If true, phpLDAPadmin will terminate execution with the PHP die() function. * * @see die * @see ldap_errno * @see pla_verbose_error */ function pla_error( $msg, $ldap_err_msg=null, $ldap_err_no=-1, $fatal=true ) { include_once 'header.php'; global $lang; ?>

'; } if( $ldap_err_no != -1 ) { $ldap_err_no = ( '0x' . str_pad( dechex( $ldap_err_no ), 2, 0, STR_PAD_LEFT ) ); $verbose_error = pla_verbose_error( $ldap_err_no ); if( $verbose_error ) { echo sprintf( $lang['ferror_number'], $ldap_err_no, $verbose_error['title']); echo '
'; echo sprintf( $lang['ferror_discription'], $verbose_error['desc']); } else { echo sprintf($lang['ferror_number_short'], $ldap_err_no); echo '
'; echo $lang['ferror_discription_short']; } } ?>
$new_name ) $attrs_table[ strtolower( $old_name ) ] = $new_name; else return array(); return $attrs_table; } /** * Gets whether an entry exists based on its DN. If the entry exists, * returns true. Otherwise returns false. * * @param int $server_id The ID of the server of interest * @param string $dn The DN\of the entry of interest. * * @return bool */ function dn_exists( $server_id, $dn ) { if( ! check_server_id( $server_id ) ) return false; $ds = pla_ldap_connect( $server_id ); if( ! $ds ) return false; $search_result = @ldap_read( $ds, $dn, 'objectClass=*', array('dn') ); if( ! $search_result ) return false; $num_entries = ldap_count_entries( $ds, $search_result ); if( $num_entries > 0 ) return true; else return false; } /** * Draw the jpegPhoto image(s) for an entry wrapped in HTML. Many options are available to * specify how the images are to be displayed. * * Usage Examples: * * draw_jpeg_photos( 0, "cn=Bob,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com", "jpegPhoto" true, false, "border: 1px; width: 150px" ); * draw_jpeg_photos( 1, "cn=Fred,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com" ); * * * @param int $server_id The ID of the server of interest. * @param string $dn The DN of the entry that contains the jpeg attribute you want to draw. * @param string $attr_name The name of the attribute containing the jpeg data (usually 'jpegPhoto'). * @param bool $draw_delete_buttons If true, draws a button beneath the image titled 'Delete' allowing the user * to delete the jpeg attribute by calling JavaScript function deleteAttribute() provided * in the default modification template. * @param bool $draw_bytes_and_size If true, draw text below the image indicating the byte size and dimensions. * @param string $table_html_attrs Specifies optional CSS style attributes for the table tag. * * @return void */ function draw_jpeg_photos( $server_id, $dn, $attr_name='jpegPhoto', $draw_delete_buttons=false, $draw_bytes_and_size=true, $table_html_attrs='align="right"') { global $jpeg_temp_dir; global $jpeg_tmp_keep_time; global $lang; $conn = pla_ldap_connect( $server_id ); $search_result = ldap_read( $conn, $dn, 'objectClass=*', array( $attr_name ) ); $entry = ldap_first_entry( $conn, $search_result ); echo "
\n\n"; // for each jpegPhoto in the entry, draw it (there may be only one, and that's okay) $jpeg_data = ldap_get_values_len( $conn, $entry, $attr_name ); for( $i=0; $i<$jpeg_data['count']; $i++ ) { // ensures that the photo is written to the specified jpeg_temp_dir $jpeg_temp_dir = realpath($jpeg_temp_dir.'/'); if( ! is_writable( $jpeg_temp_dir ) ) pla_error( 'Please set $jpeg_temp_dir to a writable directory in the phpLDAPadmin config.php' ); $jpeg_filename = tempnam($jpeg_temp_dir.'/', 'pla'); $outjpeg = @fopen($jpeg_filename, "wb"); if( ! $outjpeg ) pla_error( 'Could not write to the $jpeg_temp_dir directory (' . $jpeg_temp_dir . '). Please verify that your web server can write files there.' ); fwrite($outjpeg, $jpeg_data[$i]); fclose ($outjpeg); $jpeg_data_size = filesize( $jpeg_filename ); if( $jpeg_data_size < 6 && $draw_delete_buttons ) { echo $lang['jpeg_contains_errors']; echo ''. $lang['delete_photo'] .''; continue; } $jpeg_dimensions = getimagesize ($jpeg_filename); $width = $jpeg_dimensions[0]; $height = $jpeg_dimensions[1]; if( $width > 300 ) { $scale_factor = 300 / $width; $img_width = 300; $img_height = $height * $scale_factor; } else { $img_width = $width; $img_height = $height; } echo "
\n"; if( $draw_bytes_and_size ) { echo "" . number_format($jpeg_data_size) . " bytes. "; echo "$width x $height pixels.
\n\n"; } if( $draw_delete_buttons ) { ?> Delete Photo
\n\n"; // If they have misconfigured their config.php, use default values if( ! isset( $jpeg_tmp_keep_time ) ) $jpeg_tmp_keep_time = 120; // If they set keep time to 0, we up it to 10 to allow the browser to fetch it before it is deleted. if( $jpeg_tmp_keep_time == 0 ) $jpeg_tmp_keep_time = 10; // delete old jpeg files. $jpegtmp_wildcard = "/^pla/"; $handle = opendir($jpeg_temp_dir); while( ($file = readdir($handle) ) != false ) { if( preg_match( $jpegtmp_wildcard, $file ) ) { $file = "$jpeg_temp_dir/$file"; if( (time() - filemtime($file) ) > $jpeg_tmp_keep_time ) @unlink( $file ); } } closedir($handle); } /** * Gets the root DN of the specified server_id, or false if it * can't find it (ie, the server won't give it to us). This is * used when the user leaves the $servers[$i]['base'] value empty * to auto-determine the root DN. * * Tested with OpenLDAP 2.0, Netscape iPlanet, and Novell eDirectory 8.7 (nldap.com) * Please report any and all bugs!! * * @param int $server_id The ID of the server whose root DN to fetch. * @return mixed The root DN of the server on success (string) or false on error. */ function try_to_get_root_dn( $server_id, $ds = null ) { if( ! check_server_id( $server_id ) ) return false; if( isset( $_SESSION[ "pla_root_dn_$server_id" ] ) ) return $_SESSION[ "pla_root_dn_$server_id" ]; if ( $ds == null ) { if( ! have_auth_info( $server_id ) ) return false; $ds = pla_ldap_connect( $server_id ); if ( ! $ds ) return false; } $r = @ldap_read( $ds, '', 'objectClass=*', array( 'namingContexts' ) ); if( ! $r ) return false; $r = @ldap_get_entries( $ds, $r ); if( isset( $r[0]['namingcontexts'][0] ) ) { $root_dn = $r[0]['namingcontexts'][0]; $_SESSION[ "pla_root_dn_$server_id" ] = $root_dn; return $root_dn; } else { return false; } } /** * Hashes a password and returns the hash based on the specified enc_type. * * @param string $password_clear The password to hash in clear text. * @param string $enc_type Standard LDAP encryption type which must be one of * crypt, md5, md5crypt, sha, smd5, ssha, or clear. * @return string The hashed password. */ function password_hash( $password_clear, $enc_type ) { global $lang; $enc_type = strtolower( $enc_type ); switch( $enc_type ) { case 'crypt': $new_value = '{CRYPT}' . crypt( $password_clear, random_salt(2) ); break; case 'md5': $new_value = '{MD5}' . base64_encode( pack( 'H*' , md5( $password_clear) ) ); break; case 'md5crypt': if( ! defined( 'CRYPT_MD5' ) || 0 == CRYPT_MD5 ) pla_error( $lang['install_not_support_md5crypt'] ); $new_value = '{CRYPT}' . crypt( $password_clear , '$1$' . random_salt(9) ); break; case 'blowfish': if( ! defined( 'CRYPT_BLOWFISH' ) || 0 == CRYPT_BLOWFISH ) pla_error( $lang['install_not_support_blowfish'] ); $new_value = '{CRYPT}' . crypt( $password_clear , '$2$' . random_salt(13) ); break; case 'sha': if( function_exists( 'mhash' ) ) { $new_value = '{SHA}' . base64_encode( mhash( MHASH_SHA1, $password_clear) ); } else { pla_error( $lang['install_no_mash'] ); } break; case 'ssha': if( function_exists( 'mhash' ) && function_exists( 'mhash_keygen_s2k' ) ) { mt_srand( (double) microtime() * 1000000 ); $salt = mhash_keygen_s2k( MHASH_SHA1, $password_clear, substr( pack( "h*", md5( mt_rand() ) ), 0, 8 ), 4 ); $new_value = "{SSHA}".base64_encode( mhash( MHASH_SHA1, $password_clear.$salt ).$salt ); } else { pla_error( $lang['install_no_mash'] ); } break; case 'smd5': if( function_exists( 'mhash' ) && function_exists( 'mhash_keygen_s2k' ) ) { mt_srand( (double) microtime() * 1000000 ); $salt = mhash_keygen_s2k( MHASH_MD5, $password_clear, substr( pack( "h*", md5( mt_rand() ) ), 0, 8 ), 4 ); $new_value = "{SMD5}".base64_encode( mhash( MHASH_MD5, $password_clear.$salt ).$salt ); } else { pla_error( $lang['install_no_mash'] ); } break; case 'clear': default: $new_value = $password_clear; } return $new_value; } /** * Returns the phpLDAPadmin version currently running. The version * is read from the file named VERSION. * * @return string The current version as read from the VERSION file. */ function pla_version() { if( ! file_exists( realpath( 'VERSION' ) ) ) return 'unknown version'; $f = fopen( realpath( 'VERSION' ), 'r' ); $version = fread( $f, filesize( realpath( 'VERSION' ) ) ); fclose( $f ); return $version; } /** * Draws an HTML browse button which, when clicked, pops up a DN chooser dialog. * @param string $form_element The name of the form element to which this chooser * dialog will publish the user's choice. The form element must be a member * of a form with the "name" or "id" attribute set in the form tag, and the element * must also define "name" or "id" for JavaScript to uniquely identify it. * Example $form_element values may include "creation_form.container" or * "edit_form.member_uid". See /templates/modification/default.php for example usage. * @param bool $include_choose_text (optional) If true, the function draws the localized text "choose" to the right of the button. */ function draw_chooser_link( $form_element, $include_choose_text=true ) { global $lang; $href = "javascript:dnChooserPopup('$form_element');"; $title = $lang['chooser_link_tooltip']; echo ""; if( $include_choose_text ) echo "". $lang['fbrowse'] .""; echo ""; } /** * Explode a DN into an array of its RDN parts. This function is UTF-8 safe * and replaces the buggy PHP ldap_explode_dn() which does not properly * handle UTF-8 DNs and also causes segmentation faults with some inputs. * * @param string $dn The DN to explode. * @param int $with_attriutes (optional) Whether to include attribute names (see http://php.net/ldap_explode_dn for details) * * @return array An array of RDN parts of this format: * * Array * ( * [0] => uid=ppratt * [1] => ou=People * [2] => dc=example * [3] => dc=com * ) * */ function pla_explode_dn( $dn, $with_attributes=0 ) { // replace "\," with the hexadecimal value for safe split $var = preg_replace("/\\\,/","\\\\\\\\2C",$dn); // split the dn $result = explode(",",$var); //translate hex code into ascii for display foreach( $result as $key => $value ) $result[$key] = preg_replace("/\\\([0-9A-Fa-f]{2})/e", "''.chr(hexdec('\\1')).''", $value); return $result; } /** * Fetches the URL for the specified item. This is a convenience function for * fetching project HREFs (like bugs) * * @param string $type One of "open_bugs", "add_bug", "open_rfes" * (rfe = request for enhancement), or "add_rfe". * @return string The URL to the requested item. */ function get_href( $type ) { $group_id = "61828"; $bug_atid = "498546"; $rfe_atid = "498549"; switch( $type ) { case 'open_bugs': return "http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?group_id=$group_id&atid=$bug_atid"; case 'add_bug': return "http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=add&group_id=$group_id&atid=$bug_atid"; case 'open_rfes': return "http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?atid=$rfe_atid&group_id=$group_id&func=browse"; case 'add_rfe': return "http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=add&group_id=$group_id&atid=$rfe_atid"; case 'donate': return "https://sourceforge.net/donate/index.php?group_id=$group_id"; default: return null; } } /** * Returns the current time as a double (including micro-seconds). * * @return double The current time in seconds since the beginning of the UNIX epoch (Midnight Jan. 1, 1970) */ function utime () { $time = explode( " ", microtime()); $usec = (double)$time[0]; $sec = (double)$time[1]; return $sec + $usec; } /** * Converts an array to a query-string with the option to exclude certain variables * from the returned query string. This is convenient if callers want to convert the * current GET query string or POST array into a string and replace certain * variables with their own. * * @param array $array The associate array to convert whose form is such that the keys are the * names of the variables and the values are said variables' values like this: * * Array * ( * [server_id] = 0, * [dn] = "dc=example,dc=com", * [attr] = "sn" * ) * * This will produce a string like this: "server_id=0&dn=dc=example,dc=com&attr=sn" * @param array $exclude_vars (optional) An array of variables to exclude in the resulting string * @param bool $url_encode_ampersands (optional) By default, this function encodes all ampersand-separators * as & but callers may dislabe this by specifying false here. For example, URLs on HTML * pages should encode the ampersands but URLs in header( "Location: http://example.com" ) should * not be encoded. * @return string The string created from the array. */ function array_to_query_string( $array, $exclude_vars=array(), $url_encode_ampersands=true ) { if( ! is_array( $array ) ) return ''; if( ! $array ) return ''; $str = ''; $i=0; foreach( $array as $name => $val ) { if( ! in_array( $name, $exclude_vars ) ) { if( $i>0 ) if( $url_encode_ampersands ) $str .= '&'; else $str .= '&'; $str .= urlencode( $name ) . '=' . urlencode( $val ); $i++; } } return $str; } /** * Gets whether the admin has configured phpLDAPadmin to show the "Create New" link in the tree viewer. * If $servers[$server_id]['show_create'] is NOT set, then default to show the Create New item. * If $servers[$server_id]['show_create'] IS set, then return the value (it should be true or false). * * @param int $server_id The ID of the server of interest * @return bool True if the feature is enabled and false otherwise. */ function show_create_enabled( $server_id ) { global $servers; if( isset( $servers[$server_id]['show_create'] )) return $servers[$server_id]['show_create']; else return true; } /** * Reverses a DN such that the top-level RDN is first and the bottom-level RDN is last * For example: * * cn=Brigham,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com * * Becomes: * * dc=com,dc=example,ou=People,cn=Brigham * * This makes it possible to sort lists of DNs such that they are grouped by container. * * @param string $dn The DN to reverse * * @return string The reversed DN * * @see pla_compare_dns */ function pla_reverse_dn($dn) { foreach (pla_explode_dn($dn) as $key => $branch) { // pla_expode_dn returns the array with an extra count attribute, we can ignore that. if ( $key === "count" ) continue; if (isset($rev)) { $rev = $branch.",".$rev; } else { $rev = $branch; } } return $rev; } /** * Strips all slashes from the specified array in place (pass by ref). * @param Array $array The array to strip slashes from, typically one of * $_GET, $_POST, or $_COOKIE. */ function array_stripslashes(&$array) { if( is_array( $array ) ) while ( list( $key ) = each( $array ) ) if ( is_array( $array[$key] ) && $key != $array ) array_stripslashes( $array[$key] ); else $array[$key] = stripslashes( $array[$key] ); } ?>