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DojoX IO
Version 0.4.0
Release date: 07/04/2008
Project state:
	Bryan Forbes (bryan AT reigndropsfall.net)
	Kris Zyp (kris AT sitepen.com)
	James Burke (jburke AT dojotoolkit.org)
	Tom Trenka (ttrenka AT gmail.com)
Project description

	A Collection of advanced and experimental IO modules:
	* scriptFrame.js - Uses an iframe for dojo.io.script requests. Useful in some
	long-polling comet situations in Firefox and Opera. Those browsers execute scripts
	in DOM order, not network-receive order, so a long-polling script will block other
	dynamically appended scripts from running until it completes. By using an iframe
	for the dojo.io.script requests, this issue can be avoided.

	* xhrMultiPart.js - Constructs multi-part mime XHR requests. Useful when wanting
	multi-part requests but not using a form with a file input. Note that it does not
	allow you to send files from local disks -- a form with a file input is required
	for that use case. xhrMultipart is not useful in that use case.

	* xhrPlugins.js - An adapter registry for having multiple XHR handlers (like
	XDomainRequest, CS-XHR, proxy, and window.name)

	* windowName.js - Cross-domain transport using window.name
	xhrWindowNamePlugin.js - window.name plugin for XHR adapter registry

	* httpParse.js - HTTP message parser. Parses to an XHR like interface.
	* OAuth.js - Object to be used for signing OpenAuth requests.  Includes easy
		wrappers for xhr.

DojoX IO xhrMultiPart depends on Dojo Core and DojoX UUID's generateRandomUuid 

xhrWindowNamePlugin depends on dojox.secure.capability for safe JSON parsing

OAuth depends on dojox.encoding.digests.SHA1.

Installation instructions

Grab the following from the Dojo SVN Repository:

Install into the following directory structure:


Grab the following from the Dojo SVN Repository:

Install into the following directory structure:

...both of which should be at the same level as your Dojo checkout.
Additional Notes

The information contained in this README does not pertain to DojoX XHR IFrame Proxy.  
For that information see proxy/README.