2013-03-19 15:55:33 +11:00

583 lines
12 KiB
Raw Blame History

This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters

This file contains Unicode characters that might be confused with other characters. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

//begin v1.x content
invalidMessage: "El valor introduït no és vàlid",
missingMessage: "Aquest valor és necessari",
rangeMessage: "Aquest valor és fora de l'interval"
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"months-format-narrow": [
"field-weekday": "dia de la setmana",
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"dateFormat-long": "d MMMM 'de' y",
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"de gener",
"de febrer",
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//begin v1.x content
loadingState: "S'està carregant...",
errorState: "Ens sap greu. S'ha produït un error."
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//begin v1.x content
// local representation of all CSS3 named colors, companion to dojo.colors. To be used where descriptive information
// is required for each color, such as a palette widget, and not for specifying color programatically.
//Note: due to the SVG 1.0 spec additions, some of these are alternate spellings for the same color e.g. gray vs. gray.
//TODO: should we be using unique rgb values as keys instead and avoid these duplicates, or rely on the caller to do the reverse mapping?
aliceblue: "blau cian clar",
antiquewhite: "blanc antic",
aqua: "aigua",
aquamarine: "aiguamarina",
azure: "atzur",
beige: "beix",
bisque: "crema",
black: "negre",
blanchedalmond: "ametlla pàl·lid",
blue: "blau",
blueviolet: "blau violeta",
brown: "marró",
burlywood: "marró arenós",
cadetblue: "blau marí",
chartreuse: "Llimona pàl·lid",
chocolate: "xocolata",
coral: "corall",
cornflowerblue: "blau blauet",
cornsilk: "cru",
crimson: "carmesí",
cyan: "cian",
darkblue: "blau fosc",
darkcyan: "cian fosc",
darkgoldenrod: "ocre fosc",
darkgray: "gris fosc",
darkgreen: "verd fosc",
darkgrey: "gris fosc", // same as darkgray
darkkhaki: "caqui fosc",
darkmagenta: "magenta fosc",
darkolivegreen: "verd oliva fosc",
darkorange: "taronja fosc",
darkorchid: "orquídia fosc",
darkred: "vermell fosc",
darksalmon: "salmó fosc",
darkseagreen: "verd marí fosc",
darkslateblue: "blau pissarra fosc",
darkslategray: "gris pissarra fosc",
darkslategrey: "gris pissarra fosc", // same as darkslategray
darkturquoise: "turquesa fosc",
darkviolet: "violeta fosc",
deeppink: "rosa profund",
deepskyblue: "blau cel profund",
dimgray: "gris fosc",
dimgrey: "gris fosc", // same as dimgray
dodgerblue: "blau Dodger",
firebrick: "maó refractari",
floralwhite: "blanc floral",
forestgreen: "verd bosc",
fuchsia: "fúcsia",
gainsboro: "gainsboro",
ghostwhite: "blanc fantasma",
gold: "daurat",
goldenrod: "ocre",
gray: "gris",
green: "verd",
greenyellow: "verd grogós",
grey: "gris", // same as gray
honeydew: "rosada de mel",
hotpink: "rosa fúcsia",
indianred: "vermell indi",
indigo: "índigo",
ivory: "marbre",
khaki: "caqui",
lavender: "lavanda",
lavenderblush: "lavanda vermellosa",
lawngreen: "verd gespa",
lemonchiffon: "groc brisa",
lightblue: "blau clar",
lightcoral: "corall clar",
lightcyan: "cian clar",
lightgoldenrodyellow: "groc ocre clar",
lightgray: "gris clar",
lightgreen: "verd clar",
lightgrey: "gris clar", // same as lightgray
lightpink: "rosa clar",
lightsalmon: "salmó clar",
lightseagreen: "verd marí clar",
lightskyblue: "blau cel clar",
lightslategray: "gris pissarra clar",
lightslategrey: "gris pissarra clar", // same as lightslategray
lightsteelblue: "blau acer clar",
lightyellow: "groc clar",
lime: "verd llimona",
limegreen: "verd llimona verda",
linen: "lli",
magenta: "magenta",
maroon: "marró vermellós",
mediumaquamarine: "aiguamarina mitjana",
mediumblue: "blau mitjà",
mediumorchid: "orquídia mitjana",
mediumpurple: "porpra mitjana",
mediumseagreen: "verd marí mitjà",
mediumslateblue: "blau pissarra mitjà",
mediumspringgreen: "verd primavera mitjà",
mediumturquoise: "turquesa mitjana",
mediumvioletred: "vermell violeta mitjà",
midnightblue: "blau mitjanit",
mintcream: "menta pàl·lid",
mistyrose: "rosa dens",
moccasin: "mocassí",
navajowhite: "blanc Navajo",
navy: "blau marí",
oldlace: "rosa cremós",
olive: "oliva",
olivedrab: "gris oliva",
orange: "taronja",
orangered: "taronja vermellós",
orchid: "orquídia",
palegoldenrod: "ocre pàl·lid",
palegreen: "verd pàl·lid",
paleturquoise: "turquesa pàl·lid",
palevioletred: "vermell porpra pàl·lid",
papayawhip: "préssec pastel",
peachpuff: "préssec",
peru: "Perú",
pink: "rosa",
plum: "pruna",
powderblue: "blau grisós",
purple: "porpra",
red: "vermell",
rosybrown: "marró rosat",
royalblue: "blau marí intens",
saddlebrown: "marró mitjà",
salmon: "salmó",
sandybrown: "marró arenós",
seagreen: "verd marí",
seashell: "petxina marina",
sienna: "siena",
silver: "argent",
skyblue: "blau cel",
slateblue: "blau pissarra",
slategray: "gris pissarra",
slategrey: "gris pissarra", // same as slategray
snow: "neu",
springgreen: "verd de primavera",
steelblue: "blau acer",
tan: "tan",
teal: "verd blavós",
thistle: "card",
tomato: "tomàquet",
transparent: "transparent",
turquoise: "turquesa",
violet: "violeta",
wheat: "blat",
white: "blanc",
whitesmoke: "blanc fumat",
yellow: "groc",
yellowgreen: "verd grogós"
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//begin v1.x content
"group": ".",
"percentSign": "%",
"exponential": "E",
"scientificFormat": "#E0",
"percentFormat": "#,##0%",
"list": ";",
"infinity": "∞",
"patternDigit": "#",
"minusSign": "-",
"decimal": ",",
"nan": "NaN",
"nativeZeroDigit": "0",
"perMille": "‰",
"decimalFormat": "#,##0.###",
"currencyFormat": "#,##0.00 ¤",
"plusSign": "+"
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"dijit/_editor/nls/ca/FontChoice", //begin v1.x content
fontSize: "Mida",
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"sans-serif": "sans-serif",
monospace: "monoespai",
cursive: "Cursiva",
fantasy: "Fantasia",
noFormat: "Cap",
p: "Paràgraf",
h1: "Títol",
h2: "Subtítol",
h3: "Subsubtítol",
pre: "Format previ",
1: "xx-petit",
2: "x-petit",
3: "petit",
4: "mitjà",
5: "gran",
6: "x-gran",
7: "xx-gran"
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//begin v1.x content
"HKD_displayName": "dòlar de Hong Kong",
"CHF_displayName": "franc suís",
"CAD_displayName": "dòlar canadenc",
"CNY_displayName": "iuan renmimbi xinès",
"AUD_displayName": "dòlar australià",
"JPY_displayName": "ien japonès",
"USD_displayName": "dòlar dels Estats Units",
"GBP_displayName": "lliura esterlina britànica",
"EUR_displayName": "euro"
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//begin v1.x content
previousMessage: "Opcions anteriors",
nextMessage: "Més opcions"
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buttonOk: "D'acord",
buttonCancel: "Cancel·la",
buttonSave: "Desa",
itemClose: "Tanca"
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