2011-01-14 01:45:19 +11:00
< ? php
// $Header: /cvsroot/phptsmadmin/phpTSMadmin/lib/tsm_classes.php,v 1.1 2009/04/19 04:04:29 wurley Exp $
abstract class base {
function getName () {
return $this -> name ;
abstract class copyGroup extends base {
function __construct ( $name ) {
$this -> id = $name ;
abstract public function setDetails ( $details );
public function setDefaultMgmtClass () {
$this -> default = true ;
public function isDefaultMgmtClass () {
return $this -> default ;
public function getStoragePool () {
$stgpools = objectCache ( 'stgps' );
if ( $stgpools -> ifExist ( $this -> stgpool ))
return $stgpools -> getStoragePool ( $this -> stgpool );
return null ;
class copyGroupArchive extends copyGroup {
public function setDetails ( $details ) {
$this -> domain = $details [ 'DOMAIN_NAME' ];
#$this->xx = $details['SET_NAME'];
$this -> name = $details [ 'CLASS_NAME' ];
#$this->xx = $details['COPYGROUP_NAME'];
$this -> retain [ 'DAYS' ] = $details [ 'RETVER' ];
#$this->xx = $details['SERIALIZATION'];
$this -> stgpool = $details [ 'DESTINATION' ];
#$this->xx = $details['CHG_TIME'];
#$this->xx = $details['CHG_ADMIN'];
#$this->xx = $details['PROFILE'];
#$this->xx = $details['RETINIT'];
#$this->xx = $details['RETMIN'];
$this -> default = false ;
$this -> type = 'Arch' ;
class copyGroupBackup extends copyGroup {
public function setDetails ( $details ) {
$this -> domain = $details [ 'DOMAIN_NAME' ];
#$this->xx = $details['SET_NAME'];
$this -> name = $details [ 'CLASS_NAME' ];
#$this->xx = $details['COPYGROUP_NAME'];
$this -> version [ 'EXISTS' ] = $details [ 'VEREXISTS' ];
$this -> version [ 'DELETED' ] = $details [ 'VERDELETED' ];
$this -> retain [ 'EXTRA' ] = $details [ 'RETEXTRA' ];
$this -> retain [ 'ONLY' ] = $details [ 'RETONLY' ];
#$this->xx = $details['MODE'];
#$this->xx = $details['SERIALIZATION'];
$this -> frequency = $details [ 'FREQUENCY' ];
$this -> stgpool = $details [ 'DESTINATION' ];
#$this->xx = $details['TOC_DESTINATION'];
#$this->xx = $details['CHG_TIME'];
#$this->xx = $details['CHG_ADMIN'];
#$this->xx = $details['PROFILE'];
$this -> default = false ;
$this -> type = 'Bkup' ;
class deviceClass extends base {
function deviceClass ( $name ) {
$this -> name = $name ;
function setDetails ( $details ) {
$this -> access = $details [ 'ACCESS_STRATEGY' ];
#$this->xx = $details['STGPOOL_COUNT'];
$this -> type = $details [ 'DEVTYPE' ];
#$this->xx = $details['FORMAT'];
$this -> capacity = $details [ 'CAPACITY' ];
#$this->xx = $details['MOUNTLIMIT'];
#$this->xx = $details['MOUNTWAIT'];
#$this->xx = $details['MOUNTRETENTION'];
#$this->xx = $details['PREFIX'];
$this -> library = $details [ 'LIBRARY_NAME' ];
$this -> dir = $details [ 'DIRECTORY' ];
#$this->xx = $details['SERVERNAME'];
#$this->xx = $details['RETRYPERIOD'];
#$this->xx = $details['RETRYINTERVAL'];
#$this->xx = $details['SHARED'];
#$this->xx = $details['HLADDRESS'];
#$this->xx = $details['MINCAPACITY'];
#$this->xx = $details['WORM'];
#$this->xx = $details['SCALECAPACITY'];
#$this->xx = $details['LAST_UPDATE_BY'];
#$this->xx = $details['LAST_UPDATE'];
# DISK types have a blank type - we'll set it.
if ( $this -> access == 'Random' && ! trim ( $this -> type ) && $this -> name = 'DISK' )
$this -> type = 'DISK' ;
function LibraryDevClass () {
if ( trim ( $this -> library ))
return $this -> library ;
return false ;
function isLibraryDevClass () {
if ( trim ( $this -> library ))
return true ;
return false ;
class drive extends base {
function drive ( $name ) {
$this -> name = $name ;
function setDetails ( $details ) {
$this -> library = $details [ 'LIBRARY_NAME' ];
$this -> type = $details [ 'DEVICE_TYPE' ];
#$this->xx = $details['ONLINE'];
#$this->xx = $details['READ_FORMATS'];
#$this->xx = $details['WRITE_FORMATS'];
#$this->xx = $details['ELEMENT'];
#$this->xx = $details['ACS_DRIVE_ID'];
$this -> status = $details [ 'DRIVE_STATE' ];
#$this->xx = $details['ALLOCATED_TO'];
#$this->xx = $details['LAST_UPDATE_BY'];
#$this->xx = $details['LAST_UPDATE'];
#$this->xx = $details['CLEAN_FREQ'];
#$this->xx = $details['DRIVE_SERIAL'];
$this -> volume = $details [ 'VOLUME_NAME' ];
function inLibraryName ( $library ) {
if ( $this -> library == $library )
return true ;
return false ;
class filesystem extends base {
function filesystem ( $name ) {
$this -> name = $name ;
function setDetails ( $details ) {
#$this->xx = $details['NODE_NAME'];
$this -> id = $details [ 'FILESPACE_ID' ];
$this -> type = $details [ 'FILESPACE_TYPE' ];
$this -> capacity = $details [ 'CAPACITY' ];
$this -> util = $details [ 'PCT_UTIL' ];
$this -> backup [ 'start' ] = $details [ 'BACKUP_START' ];
$this -> backup [ 'end' ] = $details [ 'BACKUP_END' ];
#$this->xx = $details['DELETE_OCCURRED'];
#$this->xx = $details['UNICODE_FILESPACE'];
#$this->xx = $details['FILESPACE_HEXNAME'];
function setOccupancy ( $details ) {
$this -> occupancy [ $details -> type ][ $details -> getStoragePool ()] = $details -> files ;
function setVolumeUsage ( $details ) {
switch ( $details [ 'COPY_TYPE' ]) {
case 'BACKUP' : $type = 'Bkup' ;
break ;
case 'ARCHIVE' : $type = 'Arch' ;
break ;
case 'SPACE MANAGED' : $type = 'HSM' ;
break ;
default :
debug_dump ( sprintf ( 'Unknown Copy Type: %s' , $details [ 'COPY_TYPE' ]), 1 );
#$this->xx = $details['NODE_NAME'];
#$this->xx = $details['COPY_TYPE'];
#$this->xx = $details['FILESPACE_NAME'];
#$this->xx = $details['STGPOOL_NAME'];
#$this->xx = $details['VOLUME_NAME'];
$this -> volume [ $type ][ $details [ 'STGPOOL_NAME' ]][ $details [ 'VOLUME_NAME' ]] = getVolume ( $details [ 'VOLUME_NAME' ]);
#$this->xx = $details['FILESPACE_ID'];
function getStoragePools () {
$result = array ();
if ( isset ( $this -> occupancy ))
foreach ( $this -> occupancy as $type => $stgpools )
foreach ( $stgpools as $stgpool => $details )
if ( ! in_array ( $stgpool , $result ))
$result [] = $stgpool ;
return $result ;
* Return a list of VOLUMES used by this FILE SYSTEM
* @ input string ( STORAGE POOL NAME | NULL [ for all storage pools ])
* @ return array ( VOLUME NAMES )
function getVolumeUsage ( $stgp = null ) {
$result = array ();
if ( isset ( $this -> volume ))
foreach ( $this -> volume as $type => $stgpools )
foreach ( $stgpools as $stgpool => $volumes ) {
if ( $stgp && $stgp != $stgpool )
continue ;
foreach ( $volumes as $volume => $details )
if ( ! in_array ( $volume , $result ))
$result [] = $volume ;
return $result ;
function getOccupancy ( $type = 'Bkup' ) {
if ( isset ( $this -> occupancy [ $type ]))
return $this -> occupancy [ $type ];
return null ;
function getVolumes ( $type = 'Bkup' ) {
if ( isset ( $this -> volume [ $type ]))
return $this -> volume [ $type ];
return array ();
function getVolumesStgp ( $type , $stgp ) {
$return = array ();
foreach ( $this -> getVolumes ( $type ) as $stgpool => $stgpdetails ) {
foreach ( $stgpdetails as $volid => $volume ) {
if ( $volume -> getStoragePool () == $stgp )
$return [] = $volume ;
return $return ;
class helpText {
function helpText ( $command ) {
$this -> command = $command ;
$this -> description = '' ;
$this -> class = '' ;
$this -> example = '' ;
$this -> parameter = '' ;
$this -> related = '' ;
function addTitle ( $text ) {
$this -> title = $text ;
function addDescription ( $text ) {
if ( trim ( $text ) && ( ! preg_match ( '/^\s*\*\s+/' , $text )))
$this -> description .= $text . ' ' ;
if ( trim ( $text ))
$this -> description .= sprintf ( '<br />%s' , $text );
$this -> description .= '<br /><br />' ;
function addClass ( $text ) {
if ( trim ( $text ))
$this -> class .= $text . ' ' ;
$this -> class .= '<br /><br />' ;
function addParameter ( $text ) {
static $lastcommand ;
if ( preg_match ( '/^\s+/' , $text ) && trim ( $lastcommand ))
$this -> parameter [ $lastcommand ][ 'text' ] .= $text . '<br />' ;
else {
if ( trim ( $text )) {
$lastcommand = preg_replace ( '/(.*)\s+\(Required\)/' , " $ 1 " , $text );
if ( $lastcommand != $text )
$this -> parameter [ $lastcommand ][ 'required' ] = true ;
$this -> parameter [ $lastcommand ][ 'text' ] = '' ;
} else {
$this -> parameter [ $lastcommand ][ 'text' ] .= '<br />' ;
function addSyntax ( $text ) {
$this -> syntax .= $text . '<br />' ;
function addExample ( $text ) {
$this -> example [] = $text ;
function addRelated ( $text ) {
static $lastrelated ;
# If there are than 2 upper case chars together, assume a command.
$text = preg_replace ( '/^\s*/' , '' , $text );
if ( preg_match ( '/^\s*([A-Z]{2,}\s?)+/' , $text , $matches )) {
# $matches[0] has the command.
$command = preg_replace ( '/\s*$/' , '' , $matches [ 0 ]);
$text = preg_replace ( " / ${ command } \ s*/ " , '' , $text );
$lastrelated = $command ;
if ( ! isset ( $this -> related [ $lastrelated ]))
$this -> related [ $lastrelated ] = '' ;
$this -> related [ $lastrelated ] .= $text ;
function getTitle () {
return $this -> title ;
function getDescription () {
global $app ;
$help = objectCache ( 'help' , 1 );
# Find any commands and make them hotlinks
foreach ( $help -> getCommands () as $command )
$this -> description = preg_replace ( " / $command / " ,
sprintf ( '<a href="cmd.php?cmd=help&index=%s&command=%s">%s</a>' , $app [ 'server' ] -> index , htmlspecialchars ( $command ), $command ), $this -> description );
return $this -> description ;
function getClass () {
return $this -> class ;
function getSyntax () {
foreach ( $this -> getParameterList () as $parm )
$this -> syntax = preg_replace ( " /- $parm -/ " ,
sprintf ( '-<a href="#%s">%s</a>-' , $parm , $parm ), $this -> syntax );
return " <pre> " . $this -> syntax . " </pre> " ;
function getParameterList () {
return array_keys ( $this -> parameter );
function getParameters () {
$return = '<table class="result" border=0>' ;
foreach ( $this -> parameter as $parm => $text )
$return .= sprintf ( '<tr class="list_item"><td class="heading"><a name="%s">%s</a></td><td class="value"><table class="result"><tr><td>%s</td></tr></table></td></tr>' ,
$parm ,
isset ( $text [ 'required' ]) ? " <b> $parm </b> " : $parm , $text [ 'text' ]);
$return .= '</table>' ;
return $return ;
function getRelated () {
global $app ;
$help = objectCache ( 'help' , 1 );
$commands = $help -> getCommands ();
$return = '<table class="result" border=0>' . " \n " ;
# Find any commands and make them hotlinks
foreach ( $this -> related as $command => $desc ) {
if ( in_array ( $command , $commands ))
$return .= sprintf ( '<tr class="list_item"><td class="heading"><span style="white-space: nowrap;"><a href="cmd.php?cmd=help&index=%s&command=%s">%s</a></span></td><td class="value"><table class="result"><tr><td>%s</td></tr></table></td></tr>' ,
$app [ 'server' ] -> index , htmlspecialchars ( $command ), $command , $desc ) . " \n " ;
$return .= sprintf ( '<tr class="list_item"><td class="heading"><span style="white-space: nowrap;">%s</span></td><td class="value"><table class="result"><tr><td>%s</td></tr></table></td></tr>' ,
$command , $desc ) . " \n " ;
$return .= '</table>' . " \n " ;
return $return ;
class library extends base {
function library ( $name , $server ) {
$this -> name = $name ;
$this -> index = $server ;
function setLibrary ( $details ) {
$this -> type = $details [ 'LIBRARY_TYPE' ];
#$this->xx = $details['ACS_ID'];
#$this->xx = $details['PRIVATE_CATEGORY'];
#$this->xx = $details['SCRATCH_CATEGORY'];
#$this->xx = $details['EXTERNAL_MGR'];
$this -> shared = $details [ 'SHARED' ];
#$this->xx = $details['LANFREE'];
#$this->xx = $details['OBEYMOUNTRETENTION'];
#$this->xx = $details['PRIMARY_LIB_MGR'];
$this -> autolabel = $details [ 'AUTOLABEL' ];
#$this->xx = $details['LAST_UPDATE_BY'];
#$this->xx = $details['LAST_UPDATE'];
#$this->xx = $details['LIBRARY_SERIAL'];
#$this->xx = $details['WORMSCRATCH_CAT'];
#$this->xx = $details['RESETDRIVES'];
function setAttr ( $attr , $value ) {
$this -> attr [ $attr ] = $value ;
function getAttr ( $attr ) {
if ( isset ( $this -> attr [ $attr ]))
return $this -> attr [ $attr ];
return null ;
function addSlots ( $details ) {
$this -> slots = $details ;
function addVolumes ( $details ) {
$this -> volumes = $details ;
function addDrives ( $details ) {
$this -> drives = $details ;
function getDrives () {
if ( isset ( $this -> drives ))
return $this -> drives ;
return null ;
function slotVolumes ( $checkedIn = true ) {
$result = array ();
if ( isset ( $this -> slots )) {
foreach ( $this -> slots as $element => $details )
if ( $checkedIn && $details [ 'status' ] == 'Allocated' )
$result [ $element ] = $details ;
elseif ( ! $checkedIn && $details [ 'status' ] != 'Allocated' )
$result [ $element ] = $details ;
return $result ;
function getLibraryEmpty () {
$result = array ();
foreach ( $this -> volumes as $volume => $object ) {
if ( $object -> isLibraryEmpty ())
$result [ $volume ] = $object ;
return $result ;
function getLibraryPending () {
$result = array ();
foreach ( $this -> volumes as $volume => $object ) {
if ( $object -> isLibraryPending ())
$result [ $volume ] = $object ;
return $result ;
function getLibraryScratch () {
$result = array ();
foreach ( $this -> volumes as $volume => $object ) {
if ( $object -> isLibraryScratch ())
$result [ $volume ] = $object ;
return $result ;
class mgmtclass extends base {
function __construct ( $name ) {
$this -> name = $name ;
function setDetails ( $details ) {
$this -> domain = $details [ 'DOMAIN_NAME' ];
#$this->xx = $details['SET_NAME'];
$this -> name = $details [ 'CLASS_NAME' ];
$this -> default = $details [ 'DEFAULTMC' ] == 'Yes' ? true : false ;
#$this->xx = $details['DESCRIPTION'];
#$this->xx = $details['SPACEMGTECHNIQUE'];
#$this->xx = $details['AUTOMIGNONUSE'];
#$this->xx = $details['MIGREQUIRESBKUP'];
#$this->xx = $details['MIGDESTINATION'];
#$this->xx = $details['CHG_TIME'];
#$this->xx = $details['CHG_ADMIN'];
#$this->xx = $details['PROFILE'];
class node extends base {
function node ( $name ) {
$this -> name = $name ;
function setDetails ( $details ) {
$this -> os = $details [ 'PLATFORM_NAME' ];
$this -> domain = $details [ 'DOMAIN_NAME' ];
$this -> time [ 'pwset' ] = $details [ 'PWSET_TIME' ];
$this -> passwd [ 'invalid' ] = $details [ 'INVALID_PW_COUNT' ];
$this -> contact = $details [ 'CONTACT' ];
$this -> compression = $details [ 'COMPRESSION' ] == 'NO' ? false : true ;
$this -> delete [ 'arch' ] = $details [ 'ARCHDELETE' ] == 'NO' ? false : true ;
$this -> delete [ 'back' ] = $details [ 'BACKDELETE' ] == 'NO' ? false : true ;
$this -> locked = $details [ 'LOCKED' ] == 'NO' ? false : true ;
$this -> time [ 'lastacc' ] = $details [ 'LASTACC_TIME' ];
$this -> time [ 'registered' ] = $details [ 'REG_TIME' ];
#$this->xx = $details['REG_ADMIN'];
#$this->xx = $details['LASTSESS_COMMMETH'];
#$this->xx = $details['LASTSESS_RECVD'];
#$this->xx = $details['LASTSESS_SENT'];
#$this->xx = $details['LASTSESS_DURATION'];
#$this->xx = $details['LASTSESS_IDLEWAIT'];
#$this->xx = $details['LASTSESS_COMMWAIT'];
#$this->xx = $details['LASTSESS_MEDIAWAIT'];
$this -> level [ 'tsm_ver' ] = $details [ 'CLIENT_VERSION' ];
$this -> level [ 'tsm_rel' ] = $details [ 'CLIENT_RELEASE' ];
$this -> level [ 'tsm_lvl' ] = $details [ 'CLIENT_LEVEL' ];
$this -> level [ 'tsm_slv' ] = $details [ 'CLIENT_SUBLEVEL' ];
$this -> level [ 'os' ] = $details [ 'CLIENT_OS_LEVEL' ];
$this -> cloptset = $details [ 'OPTION_SET' ];
#$this->xx = $details['AGGREGATION'];
$this -> url = $details [ 'URL' ];
#$this->xx = $details['NODETYPE'];
$this -> passwd [ 'expiry' ] = $details [ 'PASSEXP' ];
$this -> mp [ 'keep' ] = $details [ 'KEEP_MP' ] == 'NO' ? false : true ;
$this -> mp [ 'max' ] = $details [ 'MAX_MP_ALLOWED' ];
#$this->xx = $details['AUTO_FS_RENAME'];
#$this->xx = $details['VALIDATEPROTOCOL'];
$this -> hostname = $details [ 'TCP_NAME' ];
$this -> ipaddr = $details [ 'TCP_ADDRESS' ];
#$this->xx = $details['GUID'];
$this -> txngroupmax = $details [ 'TXNGROUPMAX' ];
#$this->xx = $details['DATAWRITEPATH'];
#$this->xx = $details['DATAREADPATH'];
#$this->xx = $details['SESSION_INITIATION'];
#$this->xx = $details['CLIENT_HLA'];
#$this->xx = $details['CLIENT_LLA'];
$this -> group = $details [ 'COLLOCGROUP_NAME' ];
#$this->xx = $details['PROXY_TARGET'];
#$this->xx = $details['PROXY_AGENT'];
function addFileSpace ( $details ) {
$this -> fs [ $details [ 'FILESPACE_ID' ]] = new filesystem ( $details [ 'FILESPACE_NAME' ]);
$this -> fs [ $details [ 'FILESPACE_ID' ]] -> setDetails ( $details );
function addOccupancy ( $details ) {
2012-11-30 15:29:08 +11:00
if ( isset ( $this -> fs [ $details -> filespace_id ]))
2011-01-14 01:45:19 +11:00
$this -> fs [ $details -> filespace_id ] -> setOccupancy ( $details );
function addVolumeUsage ( $details ) {
$this -> fs [ $details [ 'FILESPACE_ID' ]] -> setVolumeUsage ( $details );
function getFileSystems () {
if ( isset ( $this -> fs ))
return $this -> fs ;
return array ();
* Return a list of ALL STORAGE POOLS that this node has data in .
* @ return : array ( STORAGE POOL NAMES )
function getStoragePools () {
$result = array ();
if ( isset ( $this -> fs ))
foreach ( $this -> fs as $fs => $object ) {
$stgpools = $object -> getStoragePools ();
$result = array_unique ( array_merge ( $result , $stgpools ));
return $result ;
* Return a list of ALL VOLUMES that this node has data on .
* @ return : array ( VOLUME NAMES )
function getVolumeUsage () {
$result = array ();
if ( isset ( $this -> fs ))
foreach ( $this -> fs as $fs => $object ) {
$vols = $object -> getVolumeUsage ();
$result = array_unique ( array_merge ( $result , $vols ));
return $result ;
* Return a list of ALL PRIMARY VOLUMES that this node has data on .
* return : array ( VOLUME OBJECTS )
function getPrimaryVolumes ( $type = 'Bkup' ) {
$result = array ();
if ( isset ( $this -> fs ))
foreach ( $this -> fs as $fs => $object )
foreach ( $object -> getVolumes ( $type ) as $stgp => $volumes )
foreach ( $volumes as $volume )
if ( $volume -> isPrimaryVol ())
$result [ $volume -> name ] = $volume ;
return $result ;
* Return a list of ALL COPYPOOL VOLUMES that this node has data on .
* return : array ( VOLUME OBJECTS )
function getCopyVolumes ( $type = 'Bkup' ) {
$result = array ();
if ( isset ( $this -> fs ))
foreach ( $this -> fs as $fs => $object )
foreach ( $object -> getVolumes ( $type ) as $stgp => $volumes )
foreach ( $volumes as $volume )
if ( $volume -> isCopyVol ())
$result [ $volume -> name ] = $volume ;
return $result ;
* @ return : array ( FILE SYSTEM OBJECTS )
function getFSOccupancy ( $type = 'Bkup' ) {
$result = array ();
foreach ( $this -> fs as $fs => $object )
if ( count ( $object -> getOccupancy ( $type )))
$result [ $fs ] = $object ;
return $result ;
function getVolumes ( $type = 'Bkup' ) {
$result = array ();
foreach ( $this -> fs as $fs => $object )
if ( count ( $object -> getVolumes ( $type )))
$result [ $fs ] = $object ;
return $result ;
function getOccupancy () {
$result = array ();
if ( isset ( $this -> fs ))
foreach ( $this -> fs as $fs => $object ) {
if ( isset ( $object -> occupancy ))
foreach ( $object -> occupancy as $type => $stgpools ) {
foreach ( $stgpools as $stgp => $details ) {
@ $result [ $type ][ $stgp ][ 'num' ] += $details [ 'num' ];
@ $result [ $type ][ $stgp ][ 'physical' ] += $details [ 'physical' ];
@ $result [ $type ][ $stgp ][ 'logical' ] += $details [ 'logical' ];
return $result ;
function getTapeVolumes ( $stgp , $type ) {
$result = array ();
if ( ! isset ( $this -> fs ))
return null ;
foreach ( $this -> fs as $fsid => $fsobject ) {
if ( ! isset ( $fsobject -> volume ))
continue ;
foreach ( $fsobject -> getVolumesStgp ( $type , $stgp ) as $vol => $voldetails )
$result [] = $voldetails ;
return $result ;
class occupant extends base {
function setDetails ( $details ) {
$this -> name = $details [ 'NODE_NAME' ];
$this -> type = $details [ 'TYPE' ];
$this -> filespace = $details [ 'FILESPACE_NAME' ];
$this -> stgpool = $details [ 'STGPOOL_NAME' ];
$this -> files [ 'num' ] = $details [ 'NUM_FILES' ];
$this -> files [ 'physical' ] = $details [ 'PHYSICAL_MB' ];
$this -> files [ 'logical' ] = $details [ 'LOGICAL_MB' ];
$this -> filespace_id = $details [ 'FILESPACE_ID' ];
function getNode () {
return ( $this -> name );
function getStoragePool () {
return ( $this -> stgpool );
function getType () {
return ( $this -> type );
* This class defines a volume .
class storagePool extends base {
function storagePool ( $name ) {
$this -> name = $name ;
function setDetails ( $details ) {
$this -> type = $details [ 'POOLTYPE' ];
$this -> devclass = $details [ 'DEVCLASS' ];
#$this->xx = $details['EST_CAPACITY_MB'];
#$this->xx = $details['TRIGGER_PCT_UTIL'];
$this -> utilisation = $details [ 'PCT_UTILIZED' ];
$this -> migratable = $details [ 'PCT_MIGR' ];
#$this->xx = $details['PCT_LOGICAL'];
$this -> migr [ 'hi' ] = $details [ 'HIGHMIG' ];
$this -> migr [ 'low' ] = $details [ 'LOWMIG' ];
#$this->xx = $details['MIGPROCESS'];
$this -> nextstgp = $details [ 'NEXTSTGPOOL' ];
$this -> maxsize = $details [ 'MAXSIZE' ];
$this -> access = $details [ 'ACCESS' ];
#$this->xx = $details['DESCRIPTION'];
#$this->xx = $details['OVFLOCATION'];
$this -> cache = $details [ 'CACHE' ];
$this -> collocate = $details [ 'COLLOCATE' ];
$this -> reclaim = $details [ 'RECLAIM' ];
$this -> maxscratch = $details [ 'MAXSCRATCH' ];
#$this->xx = $details['NUMSCRATCHUSED'];
$this -> reuse = $details [ 'REUSEDELAY' ] ? $details [ 'REUSEDELAY' ] : 0 ;
$this -> migr [ 'running' ] = $details [ 'MIGR_RUNNING' ] == 'YES' ? true : false ;
$this -> migr [ 'mb' ] = $details [ 'MIGR_MB' ];
$this -> migr [ 'sec' ] = $details [ 'MIGR_SECONDS' ];
$this -> reclaimrunning = $details [ 'RECL_RUNNING' ] == 'YES' ? true : false ;
#$this->xx = $details['CHG_TIME'];
#$this->xx = $details['CHG_ADMIN'];
$this -> reclaimstgp = $details [ 'RECLAIMSTGPOOL' ];
#$this->xx = $details['MIGDELAY'];
#$this->xx = $details['MIGCONTINUE'];
#$this->xx = $details['DATAFORMAT'];
#$this->xx = $details['COPYSTGPOOLS'];
#$this->xx = $details['COPYCONTINUE'];
#$this->xx = $details['CRCDATA'];
#$this->xx = $details['RECLAIMPROCESS'];
function isPrimaryPool () {
if ( $this -> type == 'PRIMARY' )
return true ;
return false ;
function isCopyPool () {
if ( $this -> type == 'COPY' )
return true ;
return false ;
function getReclaim () {
return $this -> reclaim ;
function getReUse () {
return $this -> reuse ;
class summary extends base {
function summary ( $name ) {
$this -> name = $name ;
function setDetails ( $details ) {
#$this->xx = $details['LAST_UPDATE'];
* This class defines a volume .
class volume extends base {
function volume ( $name , $server ) {
$this -> name = $name ;
$this -> index = $server ;
function setDetails ( $details ) {
$this -> stgpool = isset ( $details [ 'STGPOOL_NAME' ]) ? $details [ 'STGPOOL_NAME' ] : null ;
$this -> devclass = isset ( $details [ 'DEVCLASS_NAME' ]) ? $details [ 'DEVCLASS_NAME' ] : null ;
$this -> estcap = isset ( $details [ 'EST_CAPACITY_MB' ]) ? $details [ 'EST_CAPACITY_MB' ] : null ;
$this -> utilisation = isset ( $details [ 'PCT_UTILIZED' ]) ? $details [ 'PCT_UTILIZED' ] : null ;
$this -> status [ 'volume' ] = isset ( $details [ 'STATUS' ]) ? $details [ 'STATUS' ] : null ;
$this -> access = isset ( $details [ 'ACCESS' ]) ? $details [ 'ACCESS' ] : null ;
$this -> reclaim = isset ( $details [ 'PCT_RECLAIM' ]) ? $details [ 'PCT_RECLAIM' ] : null ;
$this -> scratch = isset ( $details [ 'SCRATCH' ]) ? ( $details [ 'SCRATCH' ] == 'YES' ? true : false ) : null ;
$this -> mounted = isset ( $details [ 'TIMES_MOUNTED' ]) ? $details [ 'TIMES_MOUNTED' ] : null ;
$this -> writepass = isset ( $details [ 'WRITE_PASS' ]) ? $details [ 'WRITE_PASS' ] : null ;
$this -> last [ 'read' ] = isset ( $details [ 'LAST_READ_DATE' ]) ? $details [ 'LAST_READ_DATE' ] : null ;
$this -> last [ 'write' ] = isset ( $details [ 'LAST_WRITE_DATE' ]) ? $details [ 'LAST_WRITE_DATE' ] : null ;
$this -> pending [ 'start' ] = isset ( $details [ 'PENDING_DATE' ]) ? $details [ 'PENDING_DATE' ] : null ;
$this -> error [ 'read' ] = isset ( $details [ 'READ_ERRORS' ]) ? $details [ 'READ_ERRORS' ] : null ;
$this -> error [ 'write' ] = isset ( $details [ 'WRITE_ERRORS' ]) ? $details [ 'WRITE_ERRORS' ] : null ;
$this -> error [ 'status' ] = isset ( $details [ 'ERROR_STATE' ]) ? $details [ 'ERROR_STATE' ] : null ;
$this -> location = isset ( $details [ 'LOCATION' ]) ? $details [ 'LOCATION' ] : null ;
#$this->xx = $details['SCALEDCAP_APPLIED'];
#$this->xx = $details['NUM_SIDES'];
#$this->xx = $details['MVSLF_CAPABLE'];
#$this->xx = $details['CHG_TIME'];
#$this->xx = $details['CHG_ADMIN'];
#$this->xx = $details['BEGIN_RCLM_DATE'];
#$this->xx = $details['END_RCLM_DATE'];
function setLibrary ( $details ) {
$this -> setLibraryName ( $details [ 'LIBRARY_NAME' ]);
$this -> status [ 'library' ] = $details [ 'STATUS' ];
$this -> lib [ 'owner' ] = $details [ 'OWNER' ];
$this -> lib [ 'use' ] = $details [ 'LAST_USE' ];
$this -> lib [ 'element' ] = $details [ 'HOME_ELEMENT' ];
#$this->xx = $details['CLEANINGS_LEFT'];
#$this->xx = $details['DEVTYPE'];
#$this->xx = $details['MEDIATYPE'];
function setDBBackup ( $details ) {
$this -> dbv [ 'date' ] = $details [ 'DATE_TIME' ];
$this -> dbv [ 'type' ] = $details [ 'TYPE' ];
$this -> dbv [ 'series' ] = $details [ 'BACKUP_SERIES' ];
$this -> dbv [ 'operation' ] = $details [ 'BACKUP_OPERATION' ];
$this -> dbv [ 'sequence' ] = $details [ 'VOLUME_SEQ' ];
$this -> devclass = $details [ 'DEVCLASS' ];
$this -> location = $details [ 'LOCATION' ];
#$this->xx = $details['UNIQUE'];
#$this->xx = $details['COMMAND'];
* Is volume in library
function inLibrary () {
if ( isset ( $this -> lib [ 'name' ]) && ! is_null ( $this -> lib [ 'name' ]))
return true ;
return false ;
function inLibraryName ( $library ) {
if ( $this -> inLibrary () && $this -> lib [ 'name' ] == $library )
return true ;
return false ;
function isPrimaryVol () {
if ( isset ( $this -> stgpool ))
return isPrimaryPool ( $this -> stgpool );
return false ;
function isCopyVol () {
if ( isset ( $this -> stgpool ))
return isCopyPool ( $this -> stgpool );
return false ;
function isReadWrite () {
if ( isset ( $this -> access ))
return $this -> access == 'READWRITE' ? true : false ;
return null ;
function isOutOfLibrary () {
if ( ! $this -> inLibrary () && LibraryDevClass ( $this -> devclass ))
return true ;
return null ;
function isOffSite () {
if ( isset ( $this -> access ))
return $this -> access == 'OFFSITE' ? true : false ;
return null ;
function isPending () {
if ( isset ( $this -> status [ 'volume' ]))
if ( $this -> status [ 'volume' ] == 'PENDING' ) {
$start = strtotime ( tsmDate ( $this -> pending [ 'start' ], 'nomsec' ));
$end = $start + getReUse ( $this -> stgpool ) * 86400 ;
$this -> pending [ 'end' ] = strftime ( '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' , $end );
return true ;
} else
return false ;
return null ;
function isEmpty () {
if ( isset ( $this -> status [ 'volume' ]))
return $this -> status [ 'volume' ] == 'EMPTY' ? true : false ;
return null ;
function tobeReclaimed () {
if ( isset ( $this -> reclaim ))
return $this -> reclaim > getReclaim ( $this -> stgpool ) ? true : false ;
return null ;
function hasWriteErrors () {
if ( isset ( $this -> error [ 'write' ]))
return $this -> error [ 'write' ] ? true : false ;
return null ;
function hasReadErrors () {
if ( isset ( $this -> error [ 'read' ]))
return $this -> error [ 'read' ] ? true : false ;
return null ;
function lastWrite () {
if ( isset ( $this -> last [ 'write' ]) && trim ( $this -> last [ 'write' ]))
return strtotime ( tsmDate ( $this -> last [ 'write' ], 'notime' ));
return null ;
function lastRead () {
if ( isset ( $this -> last [ 'read' ]) && trim ( $this -> last [ 'read' ]))
return strtotime ( tsmDate ( $this -> last [ 'read' ], 'notime' ));
return null ;
function setLibraryName ( $name ) {
$this -> lib [ 'name' ] = $name ;
function setSlot ( $slot ) {
$this -> lib [ 'slot' ] = $slot ;
function getSlot () {
if ( isset ( $this -> lib [ 'slot' ]))
return $this -> lib [ 'slot' ];
return null ;
function getLocation () {
if ( isset ( $this -> location ))
return $this -> location ;
return null ;
function getStoragePool () {
if ( isset ( $this -> stgpool ))
return $this -> stgpool ;
return null ;
function isLibraryEmpty () {
if ( $this -> inLibrary () && isset ( $this -> status [ 'volume' ]) && $this -> status [ 'volume' ] == 'EMPTY' )
return true ;
return false ;
function isLibraryPending () {
if ( $this -> inLibrary () && isset ( $this -> status [ 'volume' ]) && $this -> status [ 'volume' ] == 'PENDING' )
return true ;
return false ;
function isLibraryScratch () {
if ( $this -> inLibrary () && $this -> status [ 'library' ] == 'Scratch' )
return true ;
return false ;
function isScratch () {
if ( $this -> scratch )
return true ;
return false ;
function inElement ( $library , $element ) {
if ( $this -> inLibraryName ( $library ) && $this -> lib [ 'element' ] == $element )
return true ;
return false ;
class xtsm extends tsm {
# Record when information retrieved from TSM
public $cache = null ;
# Our TSM Server
protected $server = null ;
function expired () {
if ( $this -> cache + $_SESSION [ APPCONFIG ] -> getValue ( 'cache' , 'time' ) < time () || ( isset ( $this -> expired ) && $this -> expired ))
return true ;
return false ;
class deviceClasses extends xtsm {
var $devclasses = array ();
function deviceClasses ( $server ) {
global $app ;
$this -> server = $app [ 'server' ];
$this -> load ();
# Load our devclass info.
function load () {
$this -> devclasses = array ();
# Get our defined device classes.
$result = $this -> server -> query ( 'select * from DEVCLASSES' , null , 'DEVCLASS_NAME' );
if ( $result ) {
foreach ( $result as $devc => $details ) {
$this -> devclasses [ $devc ] = new deviceClass ( $devc );
$this -> devclasses [ $devc ] -> setDetails ( $details );
function isLibraryDevClass ( $devclass ) {
if ( isset ( $this -> devclasses [ $devclass ]))
return $this -> devclasses [ $devclass ] -> isLibraryDevClass ();
return null ;
function LibraryDevClass ( $devclass ) {
if ( isset ( $this -> devclasses [ $devclass ]))
return $this -> devclasses [ $devclass ] -> LibraryDevClass ();
return null ;
function getDevClasses () {
return $this -> devclasses ;
* This class defines all drives .
class drives extends xtsm {
var $drives = array ();
function drives ( $server ) {
global $app ;
$this -> server = $app [ 'server' ];
$this -> load ();
# Load our drive info.
function load () {
$this -> drives = array ();
# Get our defined drives.
$result = $this -> server -> query ( 'select * from DRIVES' , null , 'DRIVE_NAME' );
if ( $result ) {
foreach ( $result as $drive => $details ) {
$this -> drives [ $drive ] = new drive ( $drive );
$this -> drives [ $drive ] -> setDetails ( $details );
function getDrives ( $library ) {
$result = array ();
foreach ( $this -> drives as $drive => $object ) {
if ( $object -> inLibraryName ( $library ))
$result [ $drive ] = $object ;
return $result ;
# Get TSM Help
class help extends xtsm {
function help ( $server ) {
global $app ;
$this -> server = $app [ 'server' ];
$this -> load ();
# Load our help info.
function load () {
$this -> commands = $this -> server -> query ( 'help' , null );
function getCommands () {
return $this -> commands ;
function getCommand ( $command ) {
$helpText = new helpText ( $command );
$commandHelp = $this -> server -> query ( " help $command " , null );
$helpText -> raw = $commandHelp ;
# Skip the two lines, its just the command again.
array_shift ( $commandHelp );
array_shift ( $commandHelp );
# The 2nd line is the command description.
$helpText -> addTitle ( array_shift ( $commandHelp ));
array_shift ( $commandHelp );
$mode = 'description' ;
# Work through the output.
foreach ( $commandHelp as $line ) {
if ( preg_match ( '/^Privilege Class$/' , $line ))
$mode = 'class' ;
elseif ( preg_match ( '/^Syntax$/' , $line ))
$mode = 'syntax' ;
elseif ( preg_match ( '/^Parameters$/' , $line ))
$mode = 'parameter' ;
elseif ( preg_match ( '/^Examples$/' , $line ))
$mode = 'example' ;
elseif ( preg_match ( '/^Related Commands$/' , $line ))
$mode = 'related' ;
if ( ! isset ( $skip [ $mode ]))
$skip [ $mode ] = 1 ;
$skip [ $mode ] ++ ;
# Cut out the 2nd or more blank lines.
if ( trim ( $line ))
$isBlank [ $mode ] = false ;
if (( ! trim ( $line )) && isset ( $isBlank [ $mode ]) && $isBlank [ $mode ])
continue ;
elseif ( ! trim ( $line ))
$isBlank [ $mode ] = true ;
switch ( $mode ) {
case 'description' : $helpText -> addDescription ( $line );
break ;
case 'class' : if ( $skip [ $mode ] > 2 )
$helpText -> addClass ( $line );
break ;
case 'syntax' : if ( $skip [ $mode ] > 2 )
$helpText -> addSyntax ( $line );
break ;
case 'parameter' : if ( $skip [ $mode ] > 2 )
$helpText -> addParameter ( $line );
break ;
case 'example' : $helpText -> addExample ( $line );
break ;
case 'related' : if ( $skip [ $mode ] > 4 )
$helpText -> addRelated ( $line );
break ;
default : debug_dump ( " Unknown Text [ $line ] " , 1 );
return $helpText ;
// debug_dump(array('command'=>$command,'commandHelp'=>$commandHelp,'helpText'=>$helpText),1);
class libraries extends xtsm {
# Our libraries.
var $libraries = array ();
function libraries ( $server ) {
global $app ;
$this -> server = $app [ 'server' ];
$this -> load ();
# Load our library info.
function load () {
debug_log ( sprintf ( '%s::load(): Entered (%s).' , get_class ( $this ), $this -> cache ), 1 );
$this -> libraries = array ();
$result = $this -> server -> query ( 'select * from LIBRARIES' , null , 'LIBRARY_NAME' );
if ( $result ) {
foreach ( $result as $library => $details ) {
if ( ! isset ( $this -> libraries [ $library ]))
$this -> libraries [ $library ] = new library ( $library , $this -> server -> index );
$this -> libraries [ $library ] -> setLibrary ( $details );
# Add our volumes & drives
objectCache ( 'volumes' );
objectCache ( 'drives' );
foreach ( $this -> libraries as $library ) {
# Does this library support show slots?
if ( in_array ( $library -> type , array ( 'SCSI' ))) {
$result = $this -> server -> query ( sprintf ( 'show slots %s' , $library -> name ), null , 'Library' );
if ( ! count ( $result )) {
error ( sprintf ( 'querying library %s didnt return any information - is the library operational?' , $library -> name ), 'error' , false );
$this -> expired = true ;
if ( isset ( $result [ $library -> name ])) {
$this -> libraries [ $library -> name ] -> addSlots ( $result [ $library -> name ][ 'SlotUsage' ]);
$this -> libraries [ $library -> name ] -> setAttr ( 'ProductId' , $result [ $library -> name ][ 'Product Id' ]);
#$this->libraries[$library->name]->setAttr('xx',$result[$library->name]['Support module']);
#$this->libraries[$library->name]->setAttr('xx',$result[$library->name]['Mount count']);
$this -> libraries [ $library -> name ] -> setAttr ( 'Drives' , $result [ $library -> name ][ 'Drives' ]);
$this -> libraries [ $library -> name ] -> setAttr ( 'Slots' , $result [ $library -> name ][ 'Slots' ]);
$this -> libraries [ $library -> name ] -> setAttr ( 'Changers' , $result [ $library -> name ][ 'Changers' ]);
$this -> libraries [ $library -> name ] -> setAttr ( 'IO' , $result [ $library -> name ][ 'Import/Exports' ]);
$this -> libraries [ $library -> name ] -> addVolumes ( $_SESSION [ 'cache' ][ $this -> server -> index ][ 'volumes' ] -> libraryVolumes ( $library -> name ));
$this -> libraries [ $library -> name ] -> addDrives ( $_SESSION [ 'cache' ][ $this -> server -> index ][ 'drives' ] -> getDrives ( $library -> name ));
function libVolumes ( $checkedin = true ) {
$result = array ();
$volumes = objectCache ( 'volumes' );
foreach ( $this -> libraries as $library ) {
foreach ( $library -> slotVolumes ( $checkedin ) as $element => $details ) {
$result [ $library -> name ][ $element ] = $volumes -> getVolume ( $details [ 'barcodelabel' ]);
$result [ $library -> name ][ $element ] -> setSlot ( $details [ 'slot' ]);
$result [ $library -> name ][ $element ] -> setDetails ( $details );
$result [ $library -> name ][ $element ] -> setLibraryName ( $library -> name );
return $result ;
function getLibraries () {
return $this -> libraries ;
class mgmtClasses extends xtsm {
var $copygroups = array ();
var $mgmtclasses = array ();
function __construct () {
global $app ;
$this -> server = $app [ 'server' ];
$this -> load ();
# Load our devclass info.
function load () {
$this -> copygroups = array ();
$this -> mgmtclasses = array ();
# Get our defined mgmt classes
$result = $this -> server -> query ( sprintf ( " select * from MGMTCLASSES where SET_NAME='%s' " , 'ACTIVE' ), null );
if ( $result ) {
foreach ( $result as $id => $details ) {
$this -> mgmtclasses [ $id ] = new mgmtClass ( $id );
$this -> mgmtclasses [ $id ] -> setDetails ( $details );
# Get our defined copy groups
# Copygroup name is always STANDARD
$result = $this -> server -> query ( sprintf ( " select * from BU_COPYGROUPS where SET_NAME='%s' and COPYGROUP_NAME='%s' " , 'ACTIVE' , 'STANDARD' ), null );
if ( $result ) {
foreach ( $result as $id => $details ) {
$this -> copygroups [ $id ] = new copyGroupBackup ( $id );
$this -> copygroups [ $id ] -> setDetails ( $details );
# Set the default mgmtclass
if ( $this -> isDefaultMgmtClass ( $this -> copygroups [ $id ] -> name ))
$this -> copygroups [ $id ] -> setDefaultMgmtClass ();
$result = $this -> server -> query ( sprintf ( " select * from AR_COPYGROUPS where SET_NAME='%s' and COPYGROUP_NAME='%s' " , 'ACTIVE' , 'STANDARD' ), null );
if ( $result ) {
foreach ( $result as $id => $details ) {
$this -> copygroups [ $id ] = new copyGroupArchive ( $id );
$this -> copygroups [ $id ] -> setDetails ( $details );
# Set the default mgmtclass
if ( $this -> isDefaultMgmtClass ( $this -> copygroups [ $id ] -> name ))
$this -> copygroups [ $id ] -> setDefaultMgmtClass ();
private function getMgmtClass ( $name ) {
foreach ( $this -> mgmtclasses as $mgmtclass )
if ( $mgmtclass -> name == $name )
return $mgmtclass ;
private function isDefaultMgmtClass ( $name ) {
$mgmtclass = $this -> getMgmtClass ( $name );
if ( $mgmtclass )
return $mgmtclass -> default ;
return null ;
private function getCopyGroup ( $domain , $mgmtclass , $type = 'Bkup' ) {
foreach ( $this -> copygroups as $copygroup )
if ( $copygroup -> domain == $domain && $copygroup -> name == $mgmtclass && $copygroup -> type == $type )
return $copygroup ;
return null ;
public function getMgmtClasses ( $domain , $type = 'Bkup' ) {
$result = array ();
foreach ( $this -> mgmtclasses as $mgmtclass ) {
if ( $mgmtclass -> domain == $domain )
$result [ $mgmtclass -> name ] = $this -> getCopyGroup ( $mgmtclass -> domain , $mgmtclass -> name , $type );
return $result ;
class nodes extends xtsm {
var $nodes = array ();
function nodes ( $server ) {
global $app ;
$this -> server = $app [ 'server' ];
$this -> load ();
# Load our node info.
function load () {
$this -> nodes = array ();
$occupancy = objectcache ( 'occupancy' );
# Get our defined nodes.
$result = $this -> server -> query ( 'select * from NODES' , null , 'NODE_NAME' );
if ( $result ) {
foreach ( $result as $node => $details ) {
$this -> nodes [ $node ] = new node ( $node );
$this -> nodes [ $node ] -> setDetails ( $details );
# Get the file systems.
$result = $this -> server -> query ( 'select * from FILESPACES' , null );
if ( $result )
foreach ( $result as $details )
2012-11-30 15:29:08 +11:00
if ( isset ( $this -> nodes [ $details [ 'NODE_NAME' ]]))
$this -> nodes [ $details [ 'NODE_NAME' ]] -> addFileSpace ( $details );
2011-01-14 01:45:19 +11:00
# Get the file systems occupancy.
foreach ( $this -> getNodes () as $node ) {
foreach ( $occupancy -> getOccupancy ( $node -> name ) as $details )
$this -> nodes [ $node -> name ] -> addOccupancy ( $details );
# Get the volume usage.
$result = $this -> server -> query ( 'select * from VOLUMEUSAGE' , null );
if ( $result )
foreach ( $result as $details )
2012-11-30 15:29:08 +11:00
if ( isset ( $this -> nodes [ $details [ 'NODE_NAME' ]]))
$this -> nodes [ $details [ 'NODE_NAME' ]] -> addVolumeUsage ( $details );
2011-01-14 01:45:19 +11:00
function getNodes () {
return $this -> nodes ;
function getNode ( $node ) {
if ( isset ( $this -> nodes [ $node ]))
return $this -> nodes [ $node ];
return null ;
* This class obtains storage pool occupancy
class occupancy extends xtsm {
var $occupancy = array ();
function occupancy ( $server ) {
global $app ;
$this -> server = $app [ 'server' ];
$this -> load ();
# Load our drive info.
function load () {
$this -> occupancy = array ();
$count = 0 ;
# Get our defined drives.
$result = $this -> server -> query ( 'select * from OCCUPANCY' , null );
if ( $result ) {
foreach ( $result as $details ) {
$this -> occupancy [ $count ] = new occupant ();
$this -> occupancy [ $count ] -> setDetails ( $details );
$count ++ ;
function getOccupancy ( $node ) {
$result = array ();
foreach ( $this -> occupancy as $details ) {
if ( $details -> getNode () == $node )
$result [] = $details ;
return $result ;
function getStoragePoolTotals ( $stgp ) {
$result = array ();
foreach ( $this -> occupancy as $details ) {
if ( $details -> getStoragePool () == $stgp ) {
@ $result [ $details -> getNode ()][ $details -> getType ()][ 'files' ] = $details -> files [ 'num' ];
@ $result [ $details -> getNode ()][ $details -> getType ()][ 'physical' ] = $details -> files [ 'physical' ];
@ $result [ $details -> getNode ()][ $details -> getType ()][ 'logical' ] = $details -> files [ 'logical' ];
return $result ;
* This class defines all storage pools .
class storagePools extends xtsm {
var $stgpools = array ();
function storagePools ( $server ) {
global $app ;
$this -> server = $app [ 'server' ];
$this -> load ();
# Load our storagepool info.
function load () {
$this -> stgpools = array ();
# Get our defined storagepools.
$result = $this -> server -> query ( 'select * from STGPOOLS' , null , 'STGPOOL_NAME' );
if ( $result ) {
foreach ( $result as $stgp => $details ) {
$this -> stgpools [ $stgp ] = new storagePool ( $stgp );
$this -> stgpools [ $stgp ] -> setDetails ( $details );
function isPrimaryPool ( $pool ) {
if ( isset ( $this -> stgpools [ $pool ]))
return $this -> stgpools [ $pool ] -> isPrimaryPool ();
return null ;
function isCopyPool ( $pool ) {
if ( isset ( $this -> stgpools [ $pool ]))
return $this -> stgpools [ $pool ] -> isCopyPool ();
return null ;
function getReclaim ( $pool ) {
if ( isset ( $this -> stgpools [ $pool ]))
return $this -> stgpools [ $pool ] -> getReclaim ();
return null ;
function getReUse ( $pool ) {
if ( isset ( $this -> stgpools [ $pool ]))
return $this -> stgpools [ $pool ] -> getReUse ();
return null ;
function getStoragePools () {
return $this -> stgpools ;
function ifExist ( $pool ) {
if ( isset ( $this -> stgpools [ $pool ]))
return true ;
return false ;
function getStoragePool ( $pool ) {
if ( isset ( $this -> stgpools [ $pool ]))
return $this -> stgpools [ $pool ];
return null ;
class summaryInfo extends xtsm {
# Our summary info.
var $summaryInfo = array ();
public function __construct ( $server ) {
global $app ;
$this -> server = $app [ 'server' ];
$this -> load ();
# Load our summary info.
public function load () {
# Show media actions in the summary table.
function mediaActions ( $list = false ) {
$result = array ();
foreach ( $this -> summaryInfo as $index => $details ) {
if ( trim ( $details [ 'MEDIAW' ]) || $details [ 'BYTES' ] || $details [ 'AFFECTED' ])
$result [ $details [ 'ACTIVITY' ]][ $index ] = $details ;
if ( $list )
return array_keys ( $result );
return $result ;
* Get the range of dates available for the summary table
public function getSummaryRange () {
$sum [ 'start' ] = null ;
$sum [ 'end' ] = null ;
foreach ( $this -> summaryInfo as $index => $details ) {
if (( $details [ 'START_TIME' ] < $sum [ 'start' ]) || is_null ( $sum [ 'start' ]))
$sum [ 'start' ] = $details [ 'START_TIME' ];
if (( $details [ 'END_TIME' ] > $sum [ 'end' ]) || is_null ( $sum [ 'end' ]))
$sum [ 'end' ] = $details [ 'END_TIME' ];
$sum [ 'starti' ] = strtotime ( tsmDate ( $sum [ 'start' ], 'notime' ));
$sum [ 'endi' ] = strtotime ( tsmDate ( $sum [ 'end' ], 'notime' ));
for ( $i = $sum [ 'starti' ]; $i <= $sum [ 'endi' ]; $i += 86400 ) {
$sum [ 'date' ][] = date ( 'Y-m-d' , $i );
return $sum [ 'date' ];
function getSummary ( $start , $end ) {
$result = array ();
foreach ( $this -> summaryInfo as $index => $details ) {
$sum [ 'start' ] = tsmDate ( $details [ 'START_TIME' ], 'notime' );
$sum [ 'end' ] = tsmDate ( $details [ 'END_TIME' ], 'notime' );
if (( $sum [ 'start' ] >= $start && ! trim ( $sum [ 'end' ])) ||
( $sum [ 'start' ] >= $start && $sum [ 'end' ] <= $end ) ||
( ! trim ( $sum [ 'start' ]) && $sum [ 'end' ] <= $end ))
$result [ $index ] = $details ;
return $result ;
* This class defines all volumes .
class volumes extends xtsm {
# Our volumes.
var $volumes = array ();
function volumes ( $server ) {
global $app ;
$this -> server = $app [ 'server' ];
$this -> load ();
# Load our media info.
function load () {
$this -> volumes = array ();
# Get our defined volumes.
$result = $this -> server -> query ( 'select * from VOLUMES' , null , 'VOLUME_NAME' );
if ( $result ) {
foreach ( $result as $volume => $details ) {
$this -> volumes [ $volume ] = new volume ( $volume , $this -> server -> index );
$this -> volumes [ $volume ] -> setDetails ( $details );
# Get our library volumes.
$result = $this -> server -> query ( 'select * from LIBVOLUMES' , null , 'VOLUME_NAME' );
if ( $result ) {
foreach ( $result as $volume => $details ) {
if ( ! isset ( $this -> volumes [ $volume ]))
$this -> volumes [ $volume ] = new volume ( $volume , $this -> server -> index );
$this -> volumes [ $volume ] -> setLibrary ( $details );
# Get our DB volumes.
$result = $this -> server -> query ( " select * from VOLHISTORY where TYPE in ('BACKUPFULL','BACKUPINCR','DBSNAPSHOT') order by BACKUP_SERIES,BACKUP_OPERATION,VOLUME_SEQ " , null , 'VOLUME_NAME' );
if ( $result ) {
foreach ( $result as $volume => $details ) {
$this -> volumes [ $volume ] = new volume ( $volume , $this -> server -> index );
$this -> volumes [ $volume ] -> setDBBackup ( $details );
$this -> volumes [ $volume ] -> setDetails ( $details );
* Return a list of COPY POOL volumes that are in the library
function libCopyVolumes ( $inlib ) {
$result = array ();
foreach ( $this -> volumes as $volume => $object )
if ( $object -> isCopyVol () && isLibraryDevclass ( $object -> devclass ) && ( $object -> inLibrary () == $inlib ))
$result [ $volume ] = $object ;
return $result ;
* Return a list of NON READ / WRITE volumes that need to be fixed .
function nonReadWriteVolumes () {
$result = array ();
foreach ( $this -> volumes as $volume => $object ) {
if ( ! $object -> isReadWrite () && ! is_null ( $object -> isReadWrite ()) && ! $object -> isOffSite () &&
! $object -> isOutOfLibrary ())
$result [ $volume ] = $object ;
return $result ;
* Return a list of volumes that should be RECLAIMed .
function reclaimVolumes () {
$result = array ();
foreach ( $this -> volumes as $volume => $object ) {
if ( $object -> tobeReclaimed ())
$result [ $volume ] = $object ;
return $result ;
* Return a list of volumes that have had errors .
function errorVolumes () {
$result = array ();
foreach ( $this -> volumes as $volume => $object ) {
if ( $object -> hasReadErrors () || $object -> hasWriteErrors ())
$result [ $volume ] = $object ;
return $result ;
* Return a list of volumes that have not been read / written to for a long time .
function staleVolumes ( $days = 0 ) {
$result = array ();
foreach ( $this -> volumes as $volume => $object ) {
if (( ! is_null ( $object -> lastRead ()) && ( $object -> lastRead () + $days * 86400 ) < time ()) ||
( ! is_null ( $object -> lastWrite ()) && ( $object -> lastWrite () + $days * 86400 ) < time ())) {
$result [ $volume ] = $object ;
return $result ;
* Return a list of volumes that are PENDING .
function pendingVolumes () {
$result = array ();
foreach ( $this -> volumes as $volume => $object ) {
if ( $object -> isPending ())
$result [ $volume ] = $object ;
return $result ;
* Return a list of volumes that are EMPTY .
function emptyVolumes () {
$result = array ();
foreach ( $this -> volumes as $volume => $object ) {
if ( $object -> isEmpty ())
$result [ $volume ] = $object ;
return $result ;
function libraryVolumes ( $library ) {
$result = array ();
foreach ( $this -> volumes as $volume => $object ) {
if ( $object -> inLibraryName ( $library ))
$result [ $volume ] = $object ;
return $result ;
function getVolume ( $volume ) {
if ( isset ( $this -> volumes [ $volume ]))
return $this -> volumes [ $volume ];
return new volume ( 'Unknown Label' , $this -> server -> index );
function primaryNotInLib () {
$result = array ();
foreach ( $this -> volumes as $volume => $object ) {
if ( $object -> isOutOfLibrary () && $object -> isPrimaryVol ())
$result [ $volume ] = $object ;
return $result ;
function getStoragePoolVolumes ( $stgp ) {
$result = array ();
foreach ( $this -> volumes as $volume => $object ) {
if ( isset ( $object -> stgpool ) && $object -> stgpool == $stgp )
$result [ $volume ] = $object ;
return $result ;
function getStoragePoolScratchVolumes ( $stgp ) {
$result = array ();
foreach ( $this -> volumes as $volume => $object ) {
if ( isset ( $object -> stgpool ) && $object -> stgpool == $stgp && $object -> isScratch ())
$result [ $volume ] = $object ;
return $result ;
function getStoragePoolDefinedVolumes ( $stgp ) {
$result = array ();
foreach ( $this -> volumes as $volume => $object ) {
if ( isset ( $object -> stgpool ) && $object -> stgpool == $stgp && ! $object -> isScratch ())
$result [ $volume ] = $object ;
return $result ;
function getStoragePoolVolumesStatus ( $stgp , $status ) {
$result = array ();
foreach ( $this -> volumes as $volume => $object ) {
if ( isset ( $object -> stgpool ) && $object -> stgpool == $stgp && $object -> status [ 'volume' ] == $status )
$result [ $volume ] = $object ;
return $result ;
function getStoragePoolVolumesAccess ( $stgp , $access ) {
$result = array ();
foreach ( $this -> volumes as $volume => $object ) {
if ( isset ( $object -> stgpool ) && $object -> stgpool == $stgp && $object -> access == $access )
$result [ $volume ] = $object ;
return $result ;
function inElement ( $library , $element ) {
foreach ( $this -> volumes as $volume => $object ) {
if ( $object -> inElement ( $library , $element ))
return $object -> name ;
return null ;