<?php // $Header: /cvsroot/phptsmadmin/phpTSMadmin/htdocs/show_cache.php,v 1.4 2009/04/19 04:00:59 wurley Exp $ /** * This script shows the contents of the cache for debugging purposes * * @package leenooksApp */ /** */ require './common.php'; $entry['key'] = get_request('key','REQUEST'); $entry['index'] = get_request('index','REQUEST'); if (isset($entry['index']) && isset($entry['key'])) { list($entry['server'],$entry['x']) = split(':',$entry['index']); debug_dump($_SESSION[$entry['key']][$entry['server']][$entry['x']],1); } if ($entry['key']) debug_dump($_SESSION[$entry['key']],1); if (! $_SESSION[APPCONFIG]->getValue('appearance','hide_debug_info')) { echo '<div style="font-size: 11px"><ul>'; foreach (array_keys($_SESSION) as $key) { if (($key == 'cache') && is_array($_SESSION[$key])) foreach (array_keys($_SESSION['cache']) as $server) { foreach (array_keys($_SESSION['cache'][$server]) as $x) { $index = sprintf('%s:%s',$server,$x); printf('<li><span id="%s"><a href="javascript:get(\'%s\',\'%s\');">%s</a></span><div id="%sloading" style="display: none" ></div></li>', $key.$index,$key,$index,$key.'.'.$index,$key.$index,$key.$index); } } else printf('<li><span id="%s"><a href="javascript:get(\'%s\', \'\');">%s</a></span><div id="%sloading" style="display: none" ></div></li>', $key,$key,$key,$key); } echo '</ul></div>'; } ?> <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript"> var http_request = false; var newtree_div; var obj_key = ''; var obj_ind = ''; var obj = null; function alertCacheContents(result) { if (obj) { obj.innerHTML = '<a href="javascript:close(\'' + obj_key + '\', \'' + obj_ind + '\')">' + obj_key + '.' + obj_ind + ' [close]<\/a>'; obj.innerHTML += result; obj = null; newtree_div.display = 'none'; } } function cancelCacheContents() { if (obj) { obj.innerHTML = '<a href="javascript:get(\'' + obj_key + '\', \'' + obj_ind + '\');">' + obj_key + '.' + obj_ind + '<\/a>'; newtree_div.display = 'none'; obj = null; } } function get(key,xx) { if (obj) cancelHttpRequest(); obj_key = key; obj_ind = xx; obj = document.getElementById(key + xx); newtree_div = document.getElementById(key + xx + 'loading').style; newtree_div.display = 'block'; var poststr = "cmd=show_cache&key=" + encodeURI(key); if (xx) { poststr += "&index=" + encodeURI(xx); } obj.innerHTML = '<img src="images/ajax-spinner.gif" /> Loading...'; makePOSTRequest('cmd.php',poststr,'alertCacheContents','cancelCacheContents'); } function close(key,xx) { document.getElementById(key + xx).innerHTML = '<a href="javascript:get(\'' + key + '\', \'' + xx + '\');">' + key + '.' + xx + '<\/a>'; } </script>