* @copyright (c) 2008-2010 Kohana Team * @license http://kohanaframework.org/license */ class Kohana_UploadTest extends Kohana_Unittest_TestCase { /** * Provides test data for test_size() * * @return array */ public function provider_size() { return array( // $field, $bytes, $environment, $expected array( 'unit_test', 5, array('_FILES' => array('unit_test' => array('error' => UPLOAD_ERR_INI_SIZE))), FALSE ), array( 'unit_test', 5, array('_FILES' => array('unit_test' => array('error' => UPLOAD_ERR_NO_FILE))), TRUE ), array( 'unit_test', '6K', array('_FILES' => array( 'unit_test' => array( 'error' => UPLOAD_ERR_OK, 'name' => 'Unit_Test File', 'type' => 'image/png', 'tmp_name' => Kohana::find_file('tests', 'test_data/github', 'png'), 'size' => filesize(Kohana::find_file('tests', 'test_data/github', 'png')), ) ) ), TRUE ), array( 'unit_test', '1B', array('_FILES' => array( 'unit_test' => array( 'error' => UPLOAD_ERR_OK, 'name' => 'Unit_Test File', 'type' => 'image/png', 'tmp_name' => Kohana::find_file('tests', 'test_data/github', 'png'), 'size' => filesize(Kohana::find_file('tests', 'test_data/github', 'png')), ) ) ), FALSE ), ); } /** * Tests Upload::size * * @test * @dataProvider provider_size * @covers upload::size * @param string $field the files field to test * @param string $bytes valid bite size * @param array $environment set the $_FILES array * @param $expected what to expect */ public function test_size($field, $bytes, $environment, $expected) { $this->setEnvironment($environment); $this->assertSame($expected, Upload::size($_FILES[$field], $bytes)); } /** * size() should throw an exception of the supplied max size is invalid * * @test * @covers upload::size * @expectedException Kohana_Exception */ public function test_size_throws_exception_for_invalid_size() { $this->setEnvironment(array( '_FILES' => array( 'unit_test' => array( 'error' => UPLOAD_ERR_OK, 'name' => 'Unit_Test File', 'type' => 'image/png', 'tmp_name' => Kohana::find_file('tests', 'test_data/github', 'png'), 'size' => filesize(Kohana::find_file('tests', 'test_data/github', 'png')), ) ) )); Upload::size($_FILES['unit_test'], '1DooDah'); } /** * Provides test data for test_vali() * * @test * @return array */ public function provider_valid() { return array( array( TRUE, array( 'error' => UPLOAD_ERR_OK, 'name' => 'Unit_Test File', 'type' => 'image/png', 'tmp_name' => Kohana::find_file('tests', 'test_data/github', 'png'), 'size' => filesize(Kohana::find_file('tests', 'test_data/github', 'png')), ) ), array( FALSE, array( 'name' => 'Unit_Test File', 'type' => 'image/png', 'tmp_name' => Kohana::find_file('tests', 'test_data/github', 'png'), 'size' => filesize(Kohana::find_file('tests', 'test_data/github', 'png')), ) ), array( FALSE, array( 'error' => UPLOAD_ERR_OK, 'type' => 'image/png', 'tmp_name' => Kohana::find_file('tests', 'test_data/github', 'png'), 'size' => filesize(Kohana::find_file('tests', 'test_data/github', 'png')), ) ), array( FALSE, array( 'name' => 'Unit_Test File', 'error' => UPLOAD_ERR_OK, 'tmp_name' => Kohana::find_file('tests', 'test_data/github', 'png'), 'size' => filesize(Kohana::find_file('tests', 'test_data/github', 'png')), ) ), array( FALSE, array( 'error' => UPLOAD_ERR_OK, 'name' => 'Unit_Test File', 'type' => 'image/png', 'size' => filesize(Kohana::find_file('tests', 'test_data/github', 'png')), ) ), array( FALSE, array( 'error' => UPLOAD_ERR_OK, 'name' => 'Unit_Test File', 'type' => 'image/png', 'tmp_name' => Kohana::find_file('tests', 'test_data/github', 'png'), ) ), ); } /** * Test Upload::valid * * @test * @dataProvider provider_valid * @covers Upload::valid */ public function test_valid($expected, $file) { $this->setEnvironment(array( '_FILES' => array( 'unit_test' => $file, ), )); $this->assertSame($expected, Upload::valid($_FILES['unit_test'])); } /** * Tests Upload::type * * @test * @covers Upload::type */ public function test_type() { $this->setEnvironment(array( '_FILES' => array( 'unit_test' => array( 'error' => UPLOAD_ERR_OK, 'name' => 'github.png', 'type' => 'image/png', 'tmp_name' => Kohana::find_file('tests', 'test_data/github', 'png'), 'size' => filesize(Kohana::find_file('tests', 'test_data/github', 'png')), ) ) )); $this->assertTrue(Upload::type($_FILES['unit_test'], array('jpg', 'png', 'gif'))); $this->assertFalse(Upload::type($_FILES['unit_test'], array('docx'))); } }