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<?php defined('SYSPATH') or die('No direct script access.');
* HTTT Caching adaptor class that provides caching services to the
* [Request_Client] class, using HTTP cache control logic as defined in
* RFC 2616.
* @package Kohana
* @category Base
* @author Kohana Team
* @copyright (c) 2008-2012 Kohana Team
* @license
* @since 3.2.0
class Kohana_HTTP_Cache {
const CACHE_STATUS_KEY = 'x-cache-status';
const CACHE_HIT_KEY = 'x-cache-hits';
* Factory method for HTTP_Cache that provides a convenient dependency
* injector for the Cache library.
* // Create HTTP_Cache with named cache engine
* $http_cache = HTTP_Cache::factory('memcache', array(
* 'allow_private_cache' => FALSE
* )
* );
* // Create HTTP_Cache with supplied cache engine
* $http_cache = HTTP_Cache::factory(Cache::instance('memcache'),
* array(
* 'allow_private_cache' => FALSE
* )
* );
* @uses [Cache]
* @param mixed $cache cache engine to use
* @param array $options options to set to this class
* @return HTTP_Cache
public static function factory($cache, array $options = array())
if ( ! $cache instanceof Cache)
$cache = Cache::instance($cache);
$options['cache'] = $cache;
return new HTTP_Cache($options);
* Basic cache key generator that hashes the entire request and returns
* it. This is fine for static content, or dynamic content where user
* specific information is encoded into the request.
* // Generate cache key
* $cache_key = HTTP_Cache::basic_cache_key_generator($request);
* @param Request $request
* @return string
public static function basic_cache_key_generator(Request $request)
$uri = $request->uri();
$query = $request->query();
$headers = $request->headers()->getArrayCopy();
$body = $request->body();
return sha1($uri.'?'.http_build_query($query, NULL, '&').'~'.implode('~', $headers).'~'.$body);
* @var Cache cache driver to use for HTTP caching
protected $_cache;
* @var callback Cache key generator callback
protected $_cache_key_callback;
* @var boolean Defines whether this client should cache `private` cache directives
* @link
protected $_allow_private_cache = FALSE;
* @var int The timestamp of the request
protected $_request_time;
* @var int The timestamp of the response
protected $_response_time;
* Constructor method for this class. Allows dependency injection of the
* required components such as `Cache` and the cache key generator.
* @param array $options
public function __construct(array $options = array())
foreach ($options as $key => $value)
if (method_exists($this, $key))
if ($this->_cache_key_callback === NULL)
* Executes the supplied [Request] with the supplied [Request_Client].
* Before execution, the HTTP_Cache adapter checks the request type,
* destructive requests such as `POST`, `PUT` and `DELETE` will bypass
* cache completely and ensure the response is not cached. All other
* Request methods will allow caching, if the rules are met.
* @param Request_Client $client client to execute with Cache-Control
* @param Request $request request to execute with client
* @return [Response]
public function execute(Request_Client $client, Request $request, Response $response)
if ( ! $this->_cache instanceof Cache)
return $client->execute_request($request, $response);
// If this is a destructive request, by-pass cache completely
if (in_array($request->method(), array(
// Kill existing caches for this request
$response = $client->execute_request($request, $response);
$cache_control = HTTP_Header::create_cache_control(array(
// Ensure client respects destructive action
return $response->headers('cache-control', $cache_control);
// Create the cache key
$cache_key = $this->create_cache_key($request, $this->_cache_key_callback);
// Try and return cached version
if (($cached_response = $this->cache_response($cache_key, $request)) instanceof Response)
return $cached_response;
// Start request time
$this->_request_time = time();
// Execute the request with the Request client
$response = $client->execute_request($request, $response);
// Stop response time
$this->_response_time = (time() - $this->_request_time);
// Cache the response
$this->cache_response($cache_key, $request, $response);
return $response;
* Invalidate a cached response for the [Request] supplied.
* This has the effect of deleting the response from the
* [Cache] entry.
* @param Request $request Response to remove from cache
* @return void
public function invalidate_cache(Request $request)
if (($cache = $this->cache()) instanceof Cache)
$cache->delete($this->create_cache_key($request, $this->_cache_key_callback));
* Getter and setter for the internal caching engine,
* used to cache responses if available and valid.
* @param Kohana_Cache $cache engine to use for caching
* @return Kohana_Cache
* @return Kohana_Request_Client
public function cache(Cache $cache = NULL)
if ($cache === NULL)
return $this->_cache;
$this->_cache = $cache;
return $this;
* Gets or sets the [Request_Client::allow_private_cache] setting.
* If set to `TRUE`, the client will also cache cache-control directives
* that have the `private` setting.
* @link
* @param boolean $setting allow caching of privately marked responses
* @return boolean
* @return [Request_Client]
public function allow_private_cache($setting = NULL)
if ($setting === NULL)
return $this->_allow_private_cache;
$this->_allow_private_cache = (bool) $setting;
return $this;
* Sets or gets the cache key generator callback for this caching
* class. The cache key generator provides a unique hash based on the
* `Request` object passed to it.
* The default generator is [HTTP_Cache::basic_cache_key_generator()], which
* serializes the entire `HTTP_Request` into a unique sha1 hash. This will
* provide basic caching for static and simple dynamic pages. More complex
* algorithms can be defined and then passed into `HTTP_Cache` using this
* method.
* // Get the cache key callback
* $callback = $http_cache->cache_key_callback();
* // Set the cache key callback
* $http_cache->cache_key_callback('Foo::cache_key');
* // Alternatively, in PHP 5.3 use a closure
* $http_cache->cache_key_callback(function (Request $request) {
* return sha1($request->render());
* });
* @param callback $callback
* @return mixed
* @throws HTTP_Exception
public function cache_key_callback($callback = NULL)
if ($callback === NULL)
return $this->_cache_key_callback;
if ( ! is_callable($callback))
throw new Kohana_Exception('cache_key_callback must be callable!');
$this->_cache_key_callback = $callback;
return $this;
* Creates a cache key for the request to use for caching
* [Kohana_Response] returned by [Request::execute].
* This is the default cache key generating logic, but can be overridden
* by setting [HTTP_Cache::cache_key_callback()].
* @param Request $request request to create key for
* @param callback $callback optional callback to use instead of built-in method
* @return string
public function create_cache_key(Request $request, $callback = FALSE)
if (is_callable($callback))
return call_user_func($callback, $request);
return HTTP_Cache::basic_cache_key_generator($request);
* Controls whether the response can be cached. Uses HTTP
* protocol to determine whether the response can be cached.
* @link RFC 2616
* @param Response $response The Response
* @return boolean
public function set_cache(Response $response)
$headers = $response->headers()->getArrayCopy();
if ($cache_control = Arr::get($headers, 'cache-control'))
// Parse the cache control
$cache_control = HTTP_Header::parse_cache_control($cache_control);
// If the no-cache or no-store directive is set, return
if (array_intersect($cache_control, array('no-cache', 'no-store')))
return FALSE;
// Check for private cache and get out of here if invalid
if ( ! $this->_allow_private_cache AND in_array('private', $cache_control))
if ( ! isset($cache_control['s-maxage']))
return FALSE;
// If there is a s-maxage directive we can use that
$cache_control['max-age'] = $cache_control['s-maxage'];
// Check that max-age has been set and if it is valid for caching
if (isset($cache_control['max-age']) AND $cache_control['max-age'] < 1)
return FALSE;
if ($expires = Arr::get($headers, 'expires') AND ! isset($cache_control['max-age']))
// Can't cache things that have expired already
if (strtotime($expires) <= time())
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
* Caches a [Response] using the supplied [Cache]
* and the key generated by [Request_Client::_create_cache_key].
* If not response is supplied, the cache will be checked for an existing
* one that is available.
* @param string $key the cache key to use
* @param Request $request the HTTP Request
* @param Response $response the HTTP Response
* @return mixed
public function cache_response($key, Request $request, Response $response = NULL)
if ( ! $this->_cache instanceof Cache)
return FALSE;
// Check for Pragma: no-cache
if ($pragma = $request->headers('pragma'))
if ($pragma == 'no-cache')
return FALSE;
elseif (is_array($pragma) AND in_array('no-cache', $pragma))
return FALSE;
// If there is no response, lookup an existing cached response
if ($response === NULL)
$response = $this->_cache->get($key);
if ( ! $response instanceof Response)
return FALSE;
// Do cache hit arithmetic, using fast arithmetic if available
if ($this->_cache instanceof Cache_Arithmetic)
$hit_count = $this->_cache->increment(HTTP_Cache::CACHE_HIT_KEY.$key);
$hit_count = $this->_cache->get(HTTP_Cache::CACHE_HIT_KEY.$key);
$this->_cache->set(HTTP_Cache::CACHE_HIT_KEY.$key, ++$hit_count);
// Update the header to have correct HIT status and count
->headers(HTTP_Cache::CACHE_HIT_KEY, $hit_count);
return $response;
if (($ttl = $this->cache_lifetime($response)) === FALSE)
return FALSE;
// Set the hit count to zero
$this->_cache->set(HTTP_Cache::CACHE_HIT_KEY.$key, 0);
return $this->_cache->set($key, $response, $ttl);
* Calculates the total Time To Live based on the specification
* RFC 2616 cache lifetime rules.
* @param Response $response Response to evaluate
* @return mixed TTL value or false if the response should not be cached
public function cache_lifetime(Response $response)
// Get out of here if this cannot be cached
if ( ! $this->set_cache($response))
return FALSE;
// Calculate apparent age
if ($date = $response->headers('date'))
$apparent_age = max(0, $this->_response_time - strtotime($date));
$apparent_age = max(0, $this->_response_time);
// Calculate corrected received age
if ($age = $response->headers('age'))
$corrected_received_age = max($apparent_age, intval($age));
$corrected_received_age = $apparent_age;
// Corrected initial age
$corrected_initial_age = $corrected_received_age + $this->request_execution_time();
// Resident time
$resident_time = time() - $this->_response_time;
// Current age
$current_age = $corrected_initial_age + $resident_time;
// Prepare the cache freshness lifetime
$ttl = NULL;
// Cache control overrides
if ($cache_control = $response->headers('cache-control'))
// Parse the cache control header
$cache_control = HTTP_Header::parse_cache_control($cache_control);
if (isset($cache_control['max-age']))
$ttl = $cache_control['max-age'];
if (isset($cache_control['s-maxage']) AND isset($cache_control['private']) AND $this->_allow_private_cache)
$ttl = $cache_control['s-maxage'];
if (isset($cache_control['max-stale']) AND ! isset($cache_control['must-revalidate']))
$ttl = $current_age + $cache_control['max-stale'];
// If we have a TTL at this point, return
if ($ttl !== NULL)
return $ttl;
if ($expires = $response->headers('expires'))
return strtotime($expires) - $current_age;
return FALSE;
* Returns the duration of the last request execution.
* Either returns the time of completed requests or
* `FALSE` if the request hasn't finished executing, or
* is yet to be run.
* @return mixed
public function request_execution_time()
if ($this->_request_time === NULL OR $this->_response_time === NULL)
return FALSE;
return $this->_response_time - $this->_request_time;
} // End Kohana_HTTP_Cache