<?php defined('SYSPATH') OR die('No direct script access.');
 * [Request_Client_External] HTTP driver performs external requests using the
 * php-http extention. To use this driver, ensure the following is completed
 * before executing an external request- ideally in the application bootstrap.
 * @example
 *       // In application bootstrap
 *       Request_Client_External::$client = 'Request_Client_HTTP';
 * @package    Kohana
 * @category   Base
 * @author     Kohana Team
 * @copyright  (c) 2008-2012 Kohana Team
 * @license    http://kohanaframework.org/license
 * @uses       [PECL HTTP](http://php.net/manual/en/book.http.php)
class Kohana_Request_Client_HTTP extends Request_Client_External {

	 * Creates a new `Request_Client` object,
	 * allows for dependency injection.
	 * @param   array    $params Params
	 * @throws  Request_Exception
	public function __construct(array $params = array())
		// Check that PECL HTTP supports requests
		if ( ! http_support(HTTP_SUPPORT_REQUESTS))
			throw new Request_Exception('Need HTTP request support!');

		// Carry on

	 * @var     array     curl options
	 * @link    http://www.php.net/manual/function.curl-setopt
	protected $_options = array();

	 * Sends the HTTP message [Request] to a remote server and processes
	 * the response.
	 * @param   Request   $request  request to send
	 * @param   Response  $request  response to send
	 * @return  Response
	public function _send_message(Request $request, Response $response)
		$http_method_mapping = array(
			HTTP_Request::GET     => HTTPRequest::METH_GET,
			HTTP_Request::HEAD    => HTTPRequest::METH_HEAD,
			HTTP_Request::POST    => HTTPRequest::METH_POST,
			HTTP_Request::PUT     => HTTPRequest::METH_PUT,
			HTTP_Request::DELETE  => HTTPRequest::METH_DELETE,
			HTTP_Request::TRACE   => HTTPRequest::METH_TRACE,

		// Create an http request object
		$http_request = new HTTPRequest($request->uri(), $http_method_mapping[$request->method()]);

		if ($this->_options)
			// Set custom options

		// Set headers

		// Set cookies

		// Set query data (?foo=bar&bar=foo)

		// Set the body
		if ($request->method() == HTTP_Request::PUT)

		catch (HTTPRequestException $e)
			throw new Request_Exception($e->getMessage());
		catch (HTTPMalformedHeaderException $e)
			throw new Request_Exception($e->getMessage());
		catch (HTTPEncodingException $e)
			throw new Request_Exception($e->getMessage());

		// Build the response

		return $response;

} // End Kohana_Request_Client_HTTP