<?php return [ /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Root path where theme Views will be located. | Can be outside default views path e.g.: resources/themes | Leave it null if you will put your themes in the default views folder | (as defined in config\views.php) |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ 'themes_path' => realpath(base_path('resources/theme')), // eg: base_path('resources/themes') /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Set behavior if an asset is not found in a Theme hierarchy. | Available options: THROW_EXCEPTION | LOG_ERROR | IGNORE |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ 'asset_not_found' => 'LOG_ERROR', /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Do we want a theme activated by default? Can be set at runtime with: | Theme::set('theme-name'); |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ 'default' => null, /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Cache theme.json configuration files that are located in each theme's folder | in order to avoid searching theme settings in the filesystem for each request |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ 'cache' => true, /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Define available themes. Format: | | 'theme-name' => [ | 'extends' => 'theme-to-extend', // optional | 'views-path' => 'path-to-views', // defaults to: resources/views/theme-name | 'asset-path' => 'path-to-assets', // defaults to: public/theme-name | | // You can add your own custom keys | // Use Theme::getSetting('key') & Theme::setSetting('key', 'value') to access them | 'key' => 'value', | ], | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ 'themes' => [ // Add your themes here. These settings will overide theme.json settings defined for each theme /* |---------------------------[ Example Structure ]-------------------------- | | // Full theme Syntax: | | 'example1' => [ | 'extends' => null, // doesn't extend any theme | 'views-path' => example, // = resources/views/example_theme | 'asset-path' => example, // = public/example_theme | ], | | // Use all Defaults: | | 'example2', // Assets =\public\example2, Views =\resources\views\example2 | // Note that if you use all default values, you can ommit decleration completely. | // i.e. defaults will be used when you call Theme::set('undefined-theme') | | | // This theme shares the views with example2 but defines its own assets in \public\example3 | | 'example3' => [ | 'views-path' => 'example', | ], | | // This theme extends example1 and may override SOME views\assets in its own paths | | 'example4' => [ | 'extends' => 'example1', | ], | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ 'metronic-fe' => [ 'extends' => null, 'views-path' => 'frontend/metronic', 'asset-path' => 'theme/frontend/metronic', ], 'metronic-be' => [ 'extends' => null, 'views-path' => 'backend/metronic', 'asset-path' => 'theme/backend/metronic', ], 'adminlte-be' => [ 'extends' => null, 'views-path' => 'backend/adminlte', 'asset-path' => 'theme/backend/adminlte', ], ], ];