module.exports = { props: ['user'], /** * The component's data. */ data() { return { monthlyRecurringRevenue: 0, yearlyRecurringRevenue: 0, totalVolume: 0, genericTrialUsers: 0, indicators: [], lastMonthsIndicators: null, lastYearsIndicators: null, plans: [] }; }, /** * The component has been created by Vue. */ created() { var self = this; Bus.$on('sparkHashChanged', function (hash, parameters) { if (hash == 'metrics' && self.yearlyRecurringRevenue === 0) { self.getRevenue(); self.getPlans(); self.getTrialUsers(); self.getPerformanceIndicators(); } }); }, methods: { /** * Get the revenue information for the application. */ getRevenue() { axios.get('/spark/kiosk/performance-indicators/revenue') .then(response => { this.yearlyRecurringRevenue =; this.monthlyRecurringRevenue =; this.totalVolume =; }); }, /** * Get the subscriber information for the application. */ getPlans() { axios.get('/spark/kiosk/performance-indicators/plans') .then(response => { this.plans =; }); }, /** * Get the number of users that are on a generic trial. */ getTrialUsers() { axios.get('/spark/kiosk/performance-indicators/trialing') .then(response => { this.genericTrialUsers = parseInt(; }); }, /** * Get the performance indicators for the application. */ getPerformanceIndicators() { axios.get('/spark/kiosk/performance-indicators') .then(response => { this.indicators =; this.lastMonthsIndicators =; this.lastYearsIndicators =; Vue.nextTick(() => { this.drawCharts(); }); }); }, /** * Draw the performance indicator charts. */ drawCharts() { this.drawMonthlyRecurringRevenueChart(); this.drawYearlyRecurringRevenueChart(); this.drawDailyVolumeChart(); this.drawNewUsersChart(); }, /** * Draw the monthly recurring revenue chart. */ drawMonthlyRecurringRevenueChart() { return this.drawCurrencyChart( 'monthlyRecurringRevenueChart', 30, indicator => indicator.monthly_recurring_revenue ); }, /** * Draw the yearly recurring revenue chart. */ drawYearlyRecurringRevenueChart() { return this.drawCurrencyChart( 'yearlyRecurringRevenueChart', 30, indicator => indicator.yearly_recurring_revenue ); }, /** * Draw the daily volume chart. */ drawDailyVolumeChart() { return this.drawCurrencyChart( 'dailyVolumeChart', 14, indicator => indicator.daily_volume ); }, /** * Draw the daily new users chart. */ drawNewUsersChart() { return this.drawChart( 'newUsersChart', 14, indicator => indicator.new_users ); }, /** * Draw a chart with currency formatting on the Y-Axis. */ drawCurrencyChart(id, days, dataGatherer) { return this.drawChart(id, days, dataGatherer, value => Vue.filter('currency')(value.value) ); }, /** * Draw a chart with the given parameters. */ drawChart(id, days, dataGatherer, scaleLabelFormatter) { var dataset = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.baseChartDataSet)); =, days), dataGatherer); // Here we will build out the dataset for the chart. This will contain the dates and data // points for the chart. Each chart on the Kiosk only gets one dataset so we only need // to add it a single element to this array here. But, charts could have more later. var data = { labels: _.last(this.availableChartDates, days), datasets: [dataset] }; var options = { responsive: true }; // If a scale label formatter was passed, we will hand that to this chart library to fill // out the Y-Axis labels. This is particularly useful when we want to format them as a // currency as we do on all of our revenue charts that we display on the Kiosk here. if (arguments.length === 4) { options.scaleLabel = scaleLabelFormatter; } var chart = new Chart(document.getElementById(id).getContext('2d'), { type: 'line', data: data, options: options }); }, /** * Calculate the percent change between two numbers. */ percentChange(current, previous) { var change = Math.round(((current - previous) / previous) * 100); return change > 0 ? '+' + change.toFixed(0) : change.toFixed(0); } }, computed: { /** * Calculate the monthly change in monthly recurring revenue. */ monthlyChangeInMonthlyRecurringRevenue() { if ( ! this.lastMonthsIndicators || ! this.indicators) { return false; } return this.percentChange( _.last(this.indicators).monthly_recurring_revenue, this.lastMonthsIndicators.monthly_recurring_revenue ); }, /** * Calculate the yearly change in monthly recurring revenue. */ yearlyChangeInMonthlyRecurringRevenue() { if ( ! this.lastYearsIndicators || ! this.indicators) { return false; } return this.percentChange( _.last(this.indicators).monthly_recurring_revenue, this.lastYearsIndicators.monthly_recurring_revenue ); }, /** * Calculate the monthly change in yearly recurring revenue. */ monthlyChangeInYearlyRecurringRevenue() { if ( ! this.lastMonthsIndicators || ! this.indicators) { return false; } return this.percentChange( _.last(this.indicators).yearly_recurring_revenue, this.lastMonthsIndicators.yearly_recurring_revenue ); }, /** * Calculate the yearly change in yearly recurring revenue. */ yearlyChangeInYearlyRecurringRevenue() { if ( ! this.lastYearsIndicators || ! this.indicators) { return false; } ; return this.percentChange( _.last(this.indicators).yearly_recurring_revenue, this.lastYearsIndicators.yearly_recurring_revenue ); }, /** * Get the total number of users trialing. */ totalTrialUsers() { return this.genericTrialUsers + _.reduce(this.plans, (memo, plan) => { return memo + plan.trialing; }, 0); }, /** * Get the available, formatted chart dates for the current indicators. */ availableChartDates() { return, indicator => { return moment(indicator.created_at).format('M/D'); }); }, /** * Get the base chart data set. */ baseChartDataSet() { return { label: "Dataset", fillColor: "rgba(151,187,205,0.2)", strokeColor: "rgba(151,187,205,1)", pointColor: "rgba(151,187,205,1)", pointStrokeColor: "#fff", pointHighlightFill: "#fff", pointHighlightStroke: "rgba(151,187,205,1)", }; } } };