module.exports = { props: ['availableAbilities'], /** * The component's data. */ data() { return { showingToken: null, allAbilitiesAssigned: false, form: new SparkForm({ name: '', abilities: [] }) }; }, computed: { copyCommandSupported() { return document.queryCommandSupported('copy'); } }, watch: { /** * Watch the available abilities for changes. */ availableAbilities() { if (this.availableAbilities.length > 0) { this.assignDefaultAbilities(); } } }, methods: { /** * Assign all of the default abilities. */ assignDefaultAbilities() { var defaults = _.filter(this.availableAbilities, a => a.default); this.form.abilities = _.pluck(defaults, 'value'); }, /** * Enable all the available abilities for the given token. */ assignAllAbilities() { this.allAbilitiesAssigned = true; this.form.abilities = _.pluck(this.availableAbilities, 'value'); }, /** * Remove all of the abilities from the token. */ removeAllAbilities() { this.allAbilitiesAssigned = false; this.form.abilities = []; }, /** * Toggle the given ability in the list of assigned abilities. */ toggleAbility(ability) { if (this.abilityIsAssigned(ability)) { this.form.abilities = _.reject(this.form.abilities, a => a == ability); } else { this.form.abilities.push(ability); } }, /** * Determine if the given ability has been assigned to the token. */ abilityIsAssigned(ability) { return _.contains(this.form.abilities, ability); }, /** * Create a new API token. */ create() {'/settings/api/token', this.form) .then(response => { this.showToken(response.token); this.resetForm(); this.$parent.$emit('updateTokens'); }); }, /** * Display the token to the user. */ showToken(token) { this.showingToken = token; $('#modal-show-token').modal('show'); }, /** * Select the token and copy to Clipboard. */ selectToken() { $('#api-token').select(); if (this.copyCommandSupported) { document.execCommand("copy"); } }, /** * Reset the token form back to its default state. */ resetForm() { = ''; this.assignDefaultAbilities(); this.allAbilitiesAssigned = false; } } };