Sed should be -i -e, not -ie

This commit is contained in:
Deon George 2023-06-26 19:57:08 +10:00
parent 59064cc03e
commit 4ac8e00528
3 changed files with 2 additions and 3 deletions

View File

@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ services:
- if [ ! -d build-cache ]; then mkdir build-cache; fi
- sed -ie s'/https/http/' /etc/apk/repositories
- sed -i -e s'/https/http/' /etc/apk/repositories
- HTTP_PROXY=http://proxy.dege.lan:3128 apk add git curl
- docker info && docker version
# env|sort

View File

@ -4,7 +4,6 @@ x86_64:build-manifest:
- docker manifest push --purge ${CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE}:${VERSION}
- apk add --no-cache curl
- echo curl -LX POST --post301 -F token=${TRIGGER_TOKEN} -F ref=pgsql ${CI_API_V4_URL}/projects/${CI_PROJECT_ID}/trigger/pipeline
- curl -LX POST --post301 -F token=${TRIGGER_TOKEN} -F ref=pgsql ${CI_API_V4_URL}/projects/${CI_PROJECT_ID}/trigger/pipeline
- curl -LX POST --post301 -F token=${TRIGGER_TOKEN} -F ref=mysql ${CI_API_V4_URL}/projects/${CI_PROJECT_ID}/trigger/pipeline
- curl -LX POST --post301 -F token=${TRIGGER_TOKEN} -F ref=ldap ${CI_API_V4_URL}/projects/${CI_PROJECT_ID}/trigger/pipeline

View File

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
FROM php:8.1-fpm-alpine
# Change to http respositories, so they we can cache the install packages
RUN if [ -n ${HTTP_PROXY} ] ; then sed -ie s'/https/http/' /etc/apk/repositories; fi
RUN if [ -n ${HTTP_PROXY} ] ; then sed -i -e s'/https/http/' /etc/apk/repositories; fi
COPY docker/pecl_install /usr/local/bin/pecl_install
# Tune PHP