<?php return [ /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Language Lines |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | The following language lines are used during authentication for various | messages that we need to display to the user. You are free to modify | these language lines according to your application's requirements. | */ 'logged' => 'You are logged in!', 'someproblems' => 'There were some problems with your input.', 'siginsession' => 'Sign in to start your session', 'remember' => 'Remember Me', 'buttonsign' => 'Sign In', 'forgotpassword' => 'I forgot my password', 'registermember' => 'Register a new membership', 'terms' => 'I agree to the terms', 'conditions' => 'Terms and conditions', 'register' => 'Register', 'login' => 'Login', 'membreship' => 'I already have a membership', 'passwordclickreset' => 'Click here to reset your password:', 'signGithub' => 'Sign in using Github', 'signFacebook' => 'Sign in using Facebook', 'signTwitter' => 'Sign in using Twitter', 'signGoogle+' => 'Sign in using Google+', 'signLinkedin' => 'Sign in using Linkedin', 'signW3id' => 'Sign in using W3id', 'signIBMid' => 'Sign in using IBMid', 'sendpassword' => 'Send Password Reset Link', 'passwordreset' => 'Reset password', 'pagenotfound' => 'Page not found', '404error' => '404 Error Page', 'notfindpage' => 'We could not find the page you were looking for.', 'mainwhile' => 'Meanwhile, you may', 'returndashboard' => 'return to dashboard', 'usingsearch' => 'or try using the search form.', 'search' => 'Search', 'servererror' => 'Server Error', '500error' => '500 Error Page', 'somethingwrong' => 'Something went wrong.', 'wewillwork' => 'We will work on fixing that right away.', 'serviceunavailable' => 'Service unavailable', '503error' => '503 Error Page', 'level' => 'Level', 'here' => 'Here', 'recentactivity' => 'Recent Activity', 'descriptionpackage' => 'A Laravel 5 package that switchs default Laravel scaffolding/boilerplate to AdminLTE template', 'createdby' => 'Created by', 'seecode' => 'See code at', 'online' => 'Online', 'home' => 'Home', 'header' => 'HEADER', 'anotherlink' => 'Another Link', 'multilevel' => 'Multilevel', 'linklevel2' => 'Link in level2', 'birthday' => 'Langdon\'s Birthday', 'birthdaydate' => 'Will be 23 on April 24th', 'progress' => 'Tasks Progress', 'customtemplate' => 'Custom Template Design', 'statstab' => 'Stats Tab Content', 'generalset' => 'General Settings', 'reportpanel' => 'Report panel usage', 'checked' => 'checked', 'informationsettings' => 'Some information about this general settings option', 'togglenav' => 'Toggle navigation', 'tabmessages' => 'You have 4 messages', 'supteam' => 'Support Team', 'awesometheme' => 'Why not buy a new awesome theme?', 'allmessages' => 'See All Messages', 'notifications' => 'You have 10 notifications', 'newmembers' => '5 new members joined today', 'viewall' => 'View all', 'tasks' => 'You have 9 tasks', 'alltasks' => 'View all tasks', 'desbuttons' => 'Design some buttons', 'complete' => 'Complete', 'membersince' => 'Member since', 'followers' => 'Followers', 'sales' => 'Sales', 'friends' => 'Friends', 'profile' => 'Profile', 'signout' => 'Sign out', 'landingdescription' => 'Laravel 5 package that switchs default Laravel scaffolding/boilerplate to AdminLTE template with Bootstrap 3.0 and Pratt Landing page', 'landingdescriptionpratt' => 'Acacha AdminLTE Laravel package template Landing page - Using Pratt', 'description' => 'Description', 'showcase' => 'Showcase', 'contact' => 'Contact', 'laravelpackage' => '5 package that switchs default Laravel', 'to' => 'to', 'templatewith' => 'template with', 'and' => 'and', 'gedstarted' => 'Get Started!', 'amazing' => 'Amazing admin template', 'basedadminlte' => 'Based on adminlte bootstrap theme', 'awesomepackaged' => 'Awesome packaged...', 'by' => 'by', 'at' => 'at', 'readytouse' => 'ready to use with Laravel!', 'designed' => 'Designed To Excel', 'community' => 'Community', 'see' => 'See', 'githubproject' => 'Github project', 'post' => 'post', 'issues' => 'issues', 'pullrequests' => 'Pull requests', 'schedule' => 'Schedule', 'monitoring' => 'Monitoring', 'whatnew' => 'What\'s New?', 'features' => 'Some Features', 'design' => 'First Class Design', 'retina' => 'Retina Ready Theme', 'support' => 'Awesome Support', 'responsive' => 'Responsive Design', 'screenshots' => 'Some Screenshots', 'address' => 'Address', 'dropus' => 'Drop Us A Line', 'yourname' => 'Your Name', 'emailaddress' => 'Email Address', 'enteremail' => 'Enter Email', 'yourtext' => 'Your Text', 'submit' => 'SUBMIT', 'email' => 'Email', 'username' => 'Username', 'password' => 'Password', 'retypepassword' => 'Retype password', 'fullname' => 'Full Name', 'registererror' => 'Error registering!', 'loginerror' => 'Error loging!', 'loggedin' => 'Logged in!', 'entering' => 'Entering...', 'registered' => 'User Registered!', ];